
Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: Innovations and Evidence
Working Paper

Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: Innovations and Evidence

Quisumbing, A., Cole, S., Elias, M., Faas, S., Galiè, A., Malapit, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Myers, E., Seymour, G., and Twyman, J. 2023. Measuring Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture: Innovations and Evidence. CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Working Paper #011. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform.
Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots
Working Paper

Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform working paper 005.

Koo, J., Azzarri, C, Mishra, A., Lecoutere, E., Puskur, R., Chanana, N., Singaraju, N., Nico, G. and Khatri-Chhetri, A. 2022. Effectively targeting climate investments: A methodology for mapping climate–agriculture–gender inequality hotspots. CGIAR GENDER Platform Working Paper #005. Nairobi, Kenya: CGIAR GENDER Platform.
Cross-cutting lessons from experimental and quasi-experimental studies
Working Paper

What works to enhance women’s agency

Chang, Wei, Lucía Díaz-Martin, Akshara Gopalan, Eleonora Guarnieri, Seema Jayachandran and Claire Walsh. 2020. What works to enhance women’s agency: Cross-cutting lessons from experimental and quasi-experimental studies. J-PAL working paper. Cambridge, MA: Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.

Restoring rangelands through opportunistic grazing

Restoring rangelands through opportunistic grazing

Louhaichi, M., Belgacem, A.O., Evans, M., Ferrari, M. and Nefzaoui, A. 2024. Restoring rangelands through opportunistic grazing. CGIAR Livestock and Climate Initiative Policy Brief. Montpelier, France: CGIAR System Organization.
CIAT informe anual 2013-2014
Report / Annual

CIAT informe anual 2013-2014

CIAT. 2014. CIAT informe anual 2013-2014. Cali, Colombia: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT).