
Scientific Publication

Fostering social inclusion in development-oriented digital food system interventions

Steinke, Jonathan; Schumann, Charlotte; Langan, Simon; Müller, Anna; Opola, Felix Ouko; Ortiz-Crespo, Berta; and van Etten, Jacob. 2024. Fostering social inclusion in development-oriented digital food system interventions. Agricultural Systems 215(March 2024): 103882.
Online Sources

¿Cómo una red de mujeres interétnicas colombianas fomenta la resiliencia al cambio climático y contribuye a la igualdad de género?

Howland, Fanny; and Salas, Daniela. 2024. ¿Cómo una red de mujeres interétnicas colombianas fomenta la resiliencia al cambio climático y contribuye a la igualdad de género? CGIAR Blog Post. First published online March 16, 2024. CGIAR Systems Organization.
Scientific Publication

Evaluation of cassava clones with farmer participation

Hernández Romero, Luis Alfredo. 1991. Evaluation of cassava clones with farmer participation. In: Pérez Crespo, Carlos A. (ed.). Integrated cassava projects. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 103-111. (Working document no. 78)
Bean utilization and commercialization in great lakes region of Central Africa: The case of smallholder farmers in Burundi
Scientific Publication

Bean utilization and commercialization in great lakes region of Central Africa: The case of smallholder farmers in Burundi

Ochieng, J.; Niyuhire, M.C.; Ruraduma, C.; Birachi, Eliud A.; Ouma, E.. 2014. Bean utilization and commercialization in great lakes region of Central Africa : The case of smallholder farmers in Burundi . In: Vanlauwe, Bernard; Van Asten, Piet; Blomme, Guy; (ed.). (2014). Challenges and Opportunities for Agricultural Intensification of the Humid Highland Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa. 404p. Isbn 9783319076614. Springer International Publishing, p. 295-306.
Green manure cover crops in Benin and Western Kenya - A review.
Working Paper

Green manure cover crops in Benin and Western Kenya - A review.

Kinyua M; Diogo RVC; Sibomana J; Bolo PO; Gbedjissokpa G; Mukiri J; Mukalama J; Paul B; Sommer R; Kihara J. 2019. Green manure cover crops in Benin and Western Kenya - A review. CIAT Publication No. 481. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Nairobi, Kenya. 41 p.
Training Material

Research strategy for rice base cropping systems

Gomez, A. A; Zandstra, H. G, 'Research strategy for rice base cropping systems', vol. 32 pages, A paper presented at the Special International Symposium 21-25 April 1980 on Rice Research Strategies for the Future, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the International Rice Research Institute, 1980. 32 p, 1980
Improving smallholder dairy farming in Africa
Scientific Publication

Improving smallholder dairy farming in Africa

Ojango, J.M.K., Mrode, R., Okeyo, A.M., Rege, J.E.O., Chagunda, M.G.G. and Kugonza, D.R. 2017. Improving smallholder dairy farming in Africa. IN: Belzen, N. van. 2017. Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2: Safety, quality and sustainability. Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited.
Overview of the climate smart Brachiaria grass programme
Scientific Publication

Overview of the climate smart Brachiaria grass programme

Mureithi, J.G. and Djikeng, A. 2016. Overview of the climate smart Brachiaria grass programme. IN: Njarui, D.M.G., Gichangi, E.M., Ghimire, S.R. and Muinga, R.W. (Eds.). 2016. Climate smart Brachiaria grasses for improving livestock production in East Africa: Kenya Experience: Proceedings of a workshop, Naivasha, Kenya, 14 - 15 September 2016. Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization: 1-2.