Scientific Publication
Diall, O.; Mungube, E.; Vitouley, H.; Allegye-Cudjoe E.; Sidibé, I.; Bocoum, Z.; Diarra, B.; Sangaré, M.; Sanogo, Y.; Diarra, P.A.; Ouattara, I.; Sacko, B.; Bengaly, M.; Goita, A.; Bauer, B.; Clausen, P-H.; Randolph, T.F. 2009. Baseline survey on bovine trypanosomosis and chemoresistance in the Sikasso circle of Mali as a preamble to a vector control operation. Paper presented at the 30th meeting of the International Scientific Council for Trypanosomosis Research and Control (ISCTRC), Kampala, Uganda, 21-25 September 2009. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI