
Poster / Presentation

Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands

Rischkowsky, B., Dewe, T. and Roesel, K. 2013. Safe Food, Fair Food: Summary of findings within sheep value chains in the Atsbi and Abergelle districts of the Ethiopian Highlands. Presented at the Multi-stakeholder Workshop for Targeting Action Research on Atsbi sheep and Abergelle goat Value Chains in Tigray, Ethiopia, Mekelle, 19-20 March 2013. Addis Ababa: CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish.
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1997. TICKS AWAY. Spore 68. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Mailbox 09

CTA. 1999. Mailbox 09. Spore 81. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1992. INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY. Spore 42. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea

Mahendar Thudi; Upadhyaya, H.D.; Rathore, A.; Gaur, P.M.; Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy; Roorkiwal, M.; Nayak, S.N.; Chaturvedi, S.K.; Basu, P.S.; Gangarao, N.V.P.R.; Fikre, A.; Kimurto, P.; Sharma, P.C.; Sheshashayee, M.S.; Tobita, S.; Kashiwagi, J.; Ito, O.; Killian, A.; Varshney, R.K. Genetic Dissection of Drought and Heat Tolerance in Chickpea through Genome-Wide and Candidate Gene-Based Association Mapping Approaches. PLoS ONE (2014) 9 (5) e96758. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096758)
Spore, issue 85
Periodical / Magazine

Spore, issue 85

CTA. 2000. Spore, issue 85. Wageningen: CTA.
Magazine or Press item

Biological control of ticks

CTA. 1991. Biological control of ticks. Spore 34. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.