
Unleashing the potential of sweetpotato in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current challenges and way forward
Working Paper

Unleashing the potential of sweetpotato in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current challenges and way forward

Andrade, M., Barker, I., Cole, D., Dapaah, H., Elliott, H., Fuentes, S., Grüneberg, W., Kapinga, R., Kroschel, J., Labarta, R., Lemaga, B., Loechl, C., Low, J., Lynam , J., Mwanga, R., Ortiz, O., Oswald, A. and Thiele, G. 2009. Unleashing the potential of sweetpotato in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current challenges and way forward. International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru. Working Paper 2009-1. 197 p.
Magazine or Press item

Squaring the circle

CTA. 2003. Squaring the circle. Agritrade, March 2003. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Working Paper

Contentious decision making around Pak Mun Dam

Foran, T. 2010. Contentious decision making around Pak Mun Dam. PN67 Working Paper PN67_2010_08. Chiang Mai, Thailand : Unit for Social and Environmental Research (USER) - Chiang Mai University.
CGIAR and Climate-Smart Agriculture
Poster / Presentation

CGIAR and Climate-Smart Agriculture

Vidal, Alain. 2014. CGIAR and Climate-Smart Agriculture. Presentation by Alain Vidal, CGIAR Consortium in Montpellier, June 2014. Montpellier: CGIAR Consortium
Economic analysis of maize production and nitrogen use efficiency in rotation with Brachiaria humidicola
Scientific Publication

Economic analysis of maize production and nitrogen use efficiency in rotation with Brachiaria humidicola

Burkart, Stefan; Enciso, Karen; Karwat, Hannes; Moreta, Danilo; Arango, Jacobo; Cadisch, Georg; Peters, Michael. 2016. Economic analysis of maize production and nitrogen use efficiency in rotation with Brachiaria humidicola . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Vienna, AT. 1 p. Presented at Tropentag 2016: “Solidarity in a competing world fair use of resources" September 18-21, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Scientific Publication

Photosynthesis of cassava (Manihot esculenta)

El-Sharkawy, Mabrouk A.; Cock, James H., 'Photosynthesis of cassava (Manihot esculenta)', Experimental Agriculture, vol. 26(3), pp. 325-340, Cambridge University Press (CUP), 1990
Scientific Publication

Livestock production systems

Livestock production systems. 1989. In: Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Pastos Tropicales: Annual Report 1988. CIAT, Cali, CO. p. 17-1-17-16. (Working document no. 58)
El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío
Poster / Presentation

El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío

Debouck, D.G. (2005) El fríjol peregrino: sus viajes desde el Pliocénico tardío. Seminario en el Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de Yucatán Mérida, México, abril 12 de 2005. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali. CO. 28 sl.
Dataset / Tabular

Farmers' Training Datasets

Shahrier, Md. Bappy; Alam, Md. Zakaria; Parvez, MM Imran, 2023, "Farmers' Training Datasets",, Harvard Dataverse, V1
Better management practices for tilapia hatcheries in Egypt
Training Material

Better management practices for tilapia hatcheries in Egypt

Nasr-Allah, A. Dickson, M. Al-Kenawy, D. A. Ali, S. E. Charo-Karisa, H. (2021). Better management practices for tilapia hatcheries in Egypt. Penang, Malaysia: Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems. Guidelines: FISH-2021-04
FISH Hidden Gems

FISH Hidden Gems

FISH (2021) Hidden Gems. Penang, Malaysia: CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agri-Food Systems
Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): A snapshot of key findings webinar – 1st session

Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): A snapshot of key findings webinar – 1st session

Lena Westlund (Director), Maria del Mar Mancha-Cisneros (Producer), Simon Smith (Producer), Nicole Franz (Producer), Danika Kleiber (Producer), David Mills (Producer), Xavier Basurto (Producer). (30/11/2021). Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): A snapshot of key findings webinar – 1st session. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (Executive Producer)