
Scientific Publication

Management of protected areas

Shah, A. Management of protected areas. Economic and political weekly (2007) 42 (27-28) 2923-2931
Scientific Publication

The effect of wattle tannin drench or an acacia meal supplement on faecal egg counts and total worm burdens of tropical sheep with an experimental nematode infection

Max, R.A.; Kimambo, A.E.; Kassuku, A.A.; Mtenga, L.A.; Buttery, P.J. The effect of wattle tannin drench or an acacia meal supplement on faecal egg counts and total worm burdens of tropical sheep with an experimental nematode infection. In: Proceedings of the 4th DFID LPP Link Project (R7798) workshop for small livestock keepers, Masaka, Uganda, November 2004. (2006) 63-71