
Scientific Publication

The role of agriculture in African economic development

Diao, Xinshen et al., 'The role of agriculture in African economic development', In Development, the environment and food: Towards agricultural change? ed. Pierre Jacquet, Rajendra K. Pachauri, Laurence Tubiana, Raphaël Jozan, Sébastien Treyer, Viviane Gravey, Vincent Renard, and Sanjivi Sundar. Chapter 4. Pp. 77-90, Teri Press, New Delhi, 2012
Scientific Publication

Climate change, agriculture and food security: a global partnership to link research and action for low-income agricultural producers and consumers

Vermeulen, S.; Zougmore´, R.; Wollenberg, E.; Thornton, P.; Nelson, G.; Kristjanson, P.; Kinyangi, J.; Jarvis, A.; Hansen, J.; Challinor, A.; Campbell, B.; Pramod Aggarwal. Climate change, agriculture and food security: a global partnership to link research and action for low-income agricultural producers and consumers. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (2012) : (DOI: 10.1016/j.cosust.2011.12.004)
Scientific Publication

Focused evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by structures and deep sequencing

Wu XueLing; Zhou Tongqing; Jiang Zhu; Zhang BaoShan; Georgiev, I.; Wang, C.; Chen XueJun; Longo, NN.S.; Louder, M.; McKee, K.; O’Dell, S.; Perfetto, S.; Schmidt, S.D.; Wei Shi; Lan Wu; Yang YongPing; Yang ZhiYong; Yang ZhongJia; Zhang ZhenHai; Bonsignori, M.; Crump, J.A.; Kapiga, S.H.; Sam, N.E.; Haynes, B.F.; Simek, M.; Burton, D.R.; Koff, W.C.; Doria-Rose, N.A.; Connors, M.; Mullikin, J.C.; Nabel, G.J.; Roederer, M.; Shapiro, L.; Kwong, P.D.; Mascola, J.R. . Focused Evolution of HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibodies Revealed by Structures and Deep Sequencing. Science (2011) 333 (6049) 1593-1602. (DOI: 10.1126/science.1207532)
Región Amázonica

Región Amázonica

CIAT. 2011. Región Amázonica. Estrategia en Acción, No 2. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
Scientific Publication

When does technological change in agriculture promote deforestation

Angelsen, A., Kaimowitz, D. 2001. When does technological change in agriculture promote deforestation . In: Lee, D. R., Barret, C. B. (eds.). Trade offs or synergies?: agricultural intensification, economic development and the environment. :89-114. Wallingford, Oxon, UK, Wallingford, Oxon, UK, CAB International. CAB International.
Poster / Presentation

Introduction to geographic information systems and the Nile Goblet tool

Pfeifer, C. and Abebe, Y. 2012. Introduction to geographic information systems and the Nile Goblet tool. Presented at the Learning Event on ‘A Decision Support Tool for Mapping Suitability of REM-Strategies in the Nile Basin’, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 6-7 December 2012. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Scientific Publication

Effects of marine reserves on adjacent fisheries

Roberts, C.M, Bohnsack, J.A., Gell, F.R., Hawkins, J.P. and Goodridge, R (2001) Effects of marine reserves on adjacent fisheries. Science, 294: 1920-1923. (DOI: 10.1126/science.294.5548.1920)
Magazine or Press item

Faites vos jeux

CTA. 1999. Faites vos jeux. Spore 82. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.