
Coffee Under Pressure
Report / Case study

Coffee Under Pressure

Shaw A, Kristjanson P. 2013. Catalysing learning for development and climate change: an exploration of social learning and social differentiation in CGIAR. CCAFS Working Paper No. 43. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Report / Case study

CRP 3.4 roots, tubers and bananas for food security and income

Shaw A, Kristjanson P. 2013. Catalysing learning for development and climate change: an exploration of social learning and social differentiation in CGIAR. CCAFS Working Paper No. 43. Copenhagen, Denmark: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Scientific Publication

Wage subsidies to combat unemployment and poverty

Burns, Justine; Edwards, Lawrence; Pauw, Karl, 'Wage subsidies to combat unemployment and poverty', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2010

School subsidies for the poor

Schultz, T. Paul, 'School subsidies for the poor', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 2001
Scientific Publication

Tracking key CAADP indicators and implementation

Bahiigwa, Godfrey et al., 'Tracking key CAADP indicators and implementation', In Beyond a Middle Income Africa: Transforming African Economies for Sustained Growth with Rising Employment and Incomes. Chapter 9. (Eds) Badiane, Ousmane and Makombe, Tsitsi. ReSAKSS Annual trends and outlook report 2014., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2015
Renforcement de capacités des utilisateurs pour une compréhension et utilisation effective des services météorologiques et climatiques

Renforcement de capacités des utilisateurs pour une compréhension et utilisation effective des services météorologiques et climatiques

Ouédraogo I, Diouf NS, Gnalenba A, Zougmoré R, Ndiaye O, 2020. Renforcement de capacités des utilisateurs pour une compréhension et utilisation effective des services météorologiques et climatiques. Document de capitalisation des acquis du projet USAID/CINSERE. Programme de Recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité Alimentaire (CCAFS). Wageningen, Pays Bas, 16 pages.
Scientific Publication

A Holistic Approach for Achieving Impact through CSR

Wani, S P and Chander, G and Garg, K K (2018) A Holistic Approach for Achieving Impact through CSR. In: Corporate Social Responsibility : Win-win Propositions for Communities, Corporates and Agriculture. CABI, pp. 21-34. ISBN 9781786394514