
Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua

Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua

Diaz, M.F., Enciso, K., Burkart, S.2018.Hacia el éxito de los programas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático: Conocimientos del cambio climático, actitudes y comportamientos ambientales de los estudiantes de educación superior, profesores y jóvenes profesionales del sector agropecuario en Nicaragua . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical CIAT. Cali. CO. 118 p.
Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth
Scientific Publication

Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth

Hundie, H., Mesfine, A. and Ayele, H. 2015. Conserving soils: Bench terrace construction: Ensuring sustainable land management and creating a source of income for the youth. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 199-202.

Water security in the Bhadrachalam catchment within the Godavari Basin: emerging issues and potential solutions. Project final report - Annexes

Amarasinghe, Upali A.; Kakumanu, Krishna Reddy; Rao, M.; Anand, S.; Mehra, K.; Phillip, A.; Prathapar, S. 2015. Water security in the Bhadrachalam catchment within the Godavari Basin: emerging issues and potential solutions. Project final report - Annexes. Project Final Report Submitted to ITC Limited under the project "Water Security of the Bhadrachalam Catchment". 110p.
Financial access and digital services within agri-food value chains in Uganda

Financial access and digital services within agri-food value chains in Uganda

Adong, Annet; Ambler, Kate; Bloem, Jeffrey R.; de Brauw, Alan; and Wagner, Julia. 2023. Financial access and digital services within agri-food value chains in Uganda. IFPRI Project Note October 2023. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) trial in rural Odisha, India: Impact, process and economic evaluation results and lessons learnt (Webinar session 2)

Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) Team &Varrat, E. (2023). Upscaling Participatory Action and Videos for Agriculture and Nutrition (UPAVAN) trial in rural Odisha, India: Impact, process and economic evaluation results and lessons learnt (Webinar session 2) [MP4].
Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forestagriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon
Scientific Publication

Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forestagriculture interface: an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon

Francesconi, Wendy., Bax, Vicent., Blundo-canto, Genowefa., Willcock, Simon., Cuadros, Sandra., Vanegas, Martha., Quintero, Marcela, Torres-vitolas, Carlos A. (2018). Hunters and hunting across indigenous and colonist communities at the forest- agriculture interface : an ethnozoological study from the Peruvian Amazon, Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 14:54.
Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia
Scientific Publication

Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia

Stür, W.W.; Hopkinson, J.M.; Chen, C.P.. 1996. Regional experience with Brachiaria: Asia, the South Pacific, and Australia . In: Miles, John W; Maass, Brigitte L; Valle, Cacilda Borges do; Kumble, Vrinda (eds.). Brachiaria: Biology, agronomy, and improvement . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Campo Grande, BR : Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA), Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Gado de Corte (CNPGC), Cali, CO. p. 258-271. (CIAT publication no. 259)
Scientific Publication

Requisitos de agua y métodos de riego en el cultivo del arroz

Tascón J., Eugenio. 1985. Requisitos de agua y métodos de riego en el cultivo del arroz. In: Tascón J., Eugenio; García Durán, Elías (eds.). Arroz: Investigación y producción: Referencia de los cursos de capacitación sobre arroz dictados por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT); Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD), Cali, CO. p. 401-415.