Call for proposals: Case studies on building resilience to climate change

Photo: UN Women/Joe Saade.
Apply for grants to produce case studies on gendered pathways and trajectories of building resilience to climate change in food systems. Research activities led by CGIAR centers are eligible, and deadline is August 2, 2023.
The CGIAR Generating Evidence and New Directions for Equitable Results (GENDER) Impact Platform aims to catalyze research on gender in agriculture and food systems to achieve more equitable, sustainable, productive and climate-resilient food systems.
The Evidence Module under the GENDER Impact Platform is looking to commission case studies focused on generating evidence using appropriate, rigorous and cutting-edge mixed methods research and tools and, building on literature and evidence on the topic “Analysing gendered pathways and trajectories of resilience building in food systems facing climate change”. The evidence from the case studies will inform better and gender responsive pathways and trajectories for resilience building of women and men in food systems in different contexts.
Four (4) grants for four case studies will be awarded. Once the proposals are reviewed and grant decisions made, the four grantees would be expected to collaborate in developing a conceptual/analytical framework and a common set of methods, tools and indicators (coordinated by the Evidence module of the GENDER Platform) to apply in their case studies (with necessary adaptations to suit the local context) to allow for a comparative analysis and draw higher level learnings. Each grant will be a maximum of USD 75,000 and will be awarded through a competitive selection process. The maximum duration for each awarded grant is 12 months with an estimated start date of September 2023.
How to apply
Applications must satisfy the following eligibility criteria:
- Demonstrate the ability to conduct research to international standards of excellence in the topic proposed.
- Demonstrate strong and equitable partnerships across CGIAR and especially with national agricultural research systems (NARS) and other low- and middle-income country partners. Concept notes must clearly show meaningful, collaborative relationships through management and scientific contributions, and capacity and learning exchange. The added value arising from bringing together complementary expertise and partnerships must be clearly described. All named researchers must have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.
- Demonstrate relevance to at least one of the key gender research themes and linkages to the One CGIAR impact areas namely: (i) Gender equality, youth, and social inclusion (ii) Nutrition, health, and food security; (iii) Poverty reduction, livelihoods, and jobs; (iv) Climate adaptation and mitigation; and (v) Environmental health and biodiversity.
- CGIAR Centers are eligible to lead or be included in multiple applications.
- ICRISAT, CIFOR and ICRAF cannot be lead centers, but can be partners.
There is no co-financing requirement for applications. Research activities that propose to add on to existing funded, ongoing, or soon-to-be launched projects are preferred, although new projects are also eligible if they can be feasibly completed within 12 months.
- Learn more in this call for proposals.
- Apply by completing this proposal template.
- Submit via email to CGIAR GENDER Platform GenderPlatform[at] with a copy to Rachael Mwangi R.Mwangi[at] and Isidora Markicevic I.Markicevic[at]
Deadline: 17:00 EAT, August 2, 2023.