CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform Newsletter, June-December 2023, issue 2

Welcome to the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform newsletter for June-December 2023.
When women lead

Meenakshi Dewan tends to maintenance work on the solar street lighting in her village of Tinginaput, India. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith / Panos Pictures/USAID.
In this issue, we share with you the latest news from the CGIAR GENDER Impact Platform as well as updates on gender research from across CGIAR's research portfolio.
We also give an update on CGIAR GENDER's engagement at COP 28, including the launch of an innovation sprint on gender and climate action and insights from a discussion on what it takes to integrate gender and nutrition into climate policies.
We also wrap up on our 2023 conference, “From research to impact: Towards just and resilient agri-food systems”. We feature an interview with the then interim Executive Managing Director Prof. Andrew Campbell and have including insights from the conference theme leads.