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Purushothaman, S. and Purohit, S. 2005. Process documentation. Annex C of the Final Technical Report of project R8084. Bangalore, India: Best Practices Foundation. 26 pp
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Research Report 4. Land Registration andWomen’s Land Rights in Amhara Region, Ethiopia, International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK, ISBN: 1 84369 577 4, 20 pp
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Tiemoko, R. Migration, return and socio-economic change in West Africa: the role of family. Population, Space and Place (2004) 10 (2) 155-174. (DOI: 10.1002/psp.320; Special Issue: Transnational Migration, Return and Development in West Africa)
Hall, A.; Sulaiman, R.; Clark, N.; Sivamohan, M.V.K.; Yoganand, B. Public-private sector interaction in the Indian agricultural research system: an innovation systems perspective on institutional reform. In: Agricultural Research Policy in an Era of Privatization. Byerlee, D. and Echeverria, R.G. (Eds.).. CABI, (2002) 155-176. ISBN 9780851996004