
Scientific Publication

Trypanocidal drug resistance in West Africa

D'Ieteren, G.D.M. et al., 'Trypanocidal drug resistance in West Africa', European Union Concerted Action on Integrated Control of Pathogenic Trypanosomes and their Vectors, 2000
Scientific Publication

The use of calcrete in paved roads in Botswana

LIONJANGA, A V, T TOOLE and P A K GREENING (1987) The use of caicrete in paved roads in Botswana. In: AKINMUSURU, J 0 et al (Eds). Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Ninth Regional Conference for Africa, Lagos, September 1987, Volume 1. Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 489-502. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) pp. 16
Dataset / Tabular

SWAT model weather input data

Haddad, Mira; Strohmeier, Stefan, 2020, "SWAT model weather input data",, MELDATA, V3