
Assessing drudgery and mapping demand for small mechanisation in Assela and Hawassa of Ethiopia: Farm Mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) Project baseline study of April 22-25, 2014

Assessing drudgery and mapping demand for small mechanisation in Assela and Hawassa of Ethiopia: Farm Mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) Project baseline study of April 22-25, 2014

Misiko, M.T et al., 'Assessing drudgery and mapping demand for small mechanisation in Assela and Hawassa of Ethiopia: Farm Mechanisation and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (FACASI) Project baseline study of April 22-25, 2014', CIMMYT, 2015
Scientific Publication

Children’s role in the community response to HIV in Zimbabwe

Skovdal, M.; Magutshwa-Zitha, S.; Campbell, C.; Nyamukapa, C.; Gregson, S. Children’s role in the community response to HIV in Zimbabwe. Journal of the International AIDS Society (2013) 16 (1) (DOI: 10.7448/IAS.16.1.18468)
Scientific Publication

Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings in natural resources management

Lutkamu, M., Shetto, M.C., Hatibu, N. and Mahoo, H.F. 2005. Scaling-up and uptake promotion of research findings in natural resources management (R8088B). Paper presented at the East African River Basin conference held at Sokoine University, Morogoro Tanzania, 7-9 March 2005. Annex C9 of the Final Technical Report of project R8088B. Morogoro, Tanzania: SWMRG, Sokoine University of Agriculture. 25 pp
Dataset / Tabular

Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files

Makui, Parmutia;Elisée Bahati Ntawuhiganayo;Harrison, Rhett, 2020, "Farm inventory surveys in Rwanda: Computed data files",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V6