
Scientific Publication

Sharing Reflections on Inclusive Sanitation

Banana, E.; Chikoti, P.; Harawa, C.; McGranahan, G.; Mitlin, D.; Stephen, S.; Schermbrucker, N.; Shumba, F.; Walnycki, A. Sharing reflections on inclusive sanitation. Environment and Urbanization (2015) : (DOI: 10.1177/0956247815569702)
Report / Case study

The use of oilseed cake from small-scale processing operations for inclusion in rations for peri-urban poultry and small scale ruminant production. Proceedings of the 3rd Livestock Production Programme Zimbabwe Projects Workshop, Ingwe Lodge, Zimbabwe. 26-28 September 2000. Smith, T. and Richards, J.I. (Eds.)

Wood, J.F..; Mupeta, B., 'The use of oilseed cake from small-scale processing operations for inclusion in rations for peri-urban poultry and small scale ruminant production. Proceedings of the 3rd Livestock Production Programme Zimbabwe Projects Workshop, Ingwe Lodge, Zimbabwe. 26-28 September 2000. Smith, T. and Richards, J.I. (Eds.)', 2001
Scientific Publication

Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: Seven Country Needs Assessments

Mattia Fosci and Lucia Loffreda, (2019). Strengthening Research Institutions in Africa: A Synthesis Report. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Lennart Velten, Rob Johnson (2019) Research Capacity Strengthening in LMICs: Rapid Evidence Assessment. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ethiopia. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Ghana. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Kenya. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting. Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Nigeria. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Rwanda . Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Tanzania. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting Mattia Fosci, Lucia Loffreda, Andrew Chamberlain, Nelisha Naidoo (2019). Assessing the needs of the research system in Uganda. Report for the SRIA programme. Research Consulting
Les jardins de survie au Niger
Report / Case study

Les jardins de survie au Niger

Gaoh, Nouhou Boubacar, 2019. Les jardins de survie au Niger. EN: CTA, 2019. Nouvelles approches d’intervention pour la sécurité alimentaire en Afrique subsaharienne. Série Capitalisation des expériences 9. Wageningen, Pays-Bas, CTA:60-64.
Scientific Publication

Bridging the Intention-Behaviour Gap? The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment

Abel, Martin, Rulof Burger, Eliana Carranza, and Patrizio Piraino. 2019. “Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap? The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11 (2): 284-301. Abel, Martin; Piraino, Patrizio; Burger, Rulof; Carranza, Eliana; Piraino, Patrizio. 2017. Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap? : The Effect of Plan-Making Prompts on Job Search and Employment. Policy Research Working Paper;No. 8181. World Bank, Washington, DC