
Scientific Publication

Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers? A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania

Njuki, Jemimah et al., 'Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers? A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2014
Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive

Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive

Twyman, J., Mwongera, C., Läderach, P., Acosta, M., Ampaire, E., Eitzinger, A., Lamanna, C., Mwungu, C., Shikuku, K., Winowiecki, L. 2017. Design climate-smart agricultural interventions to be gender inclusive. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali. CO. 6 p.
The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia
Scientific Publication

The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia

Aregu, L., Puskur, R. and Bishop-Sambrook, C. 2011. The role of gender in crop value chain in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Gender and Market Oriented Agriculture (AgriGender 2011) Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 31st January-2nd February 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.