
Dataset / Tabular

Pigeonpea Productivity and Parameters

Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR); Agriculture Extension Services; Michigan State University (MSU). 2015. Pigeonpea Productivity and Parameters. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) [dataset]. Harvard Dataverse. Version 2.
Scientific Publication

Les pratiques culturales dans les petits perimetres irrigues

Ouattara, S.; Dembele, Y.; Zida, Z. 1997. Les pratiques culturales dans les petits perimetres irrigues. Sally, H. (Ed.), Ameliorer les performances des perimetres irrigues: Les actes du Seminaire Regional du Project Management de l'Irrigation au Burkina Faso, 24-26 Juillet 1996, Ouagadougou. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: IIMI. Burkina Faso. pp.171-195.
Scientific Publication

Nile water and agriculture: past present and future

Conniff, Karen; Molden, David; Peden D.; Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele. 2012. Nile water and agriculture: past present and future. In Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Molden, David; Peden D. (Eds.). The Nile River Basin: water, agriculture, governance and livelihoods. Abingdon, UK: Routledge - Earthscan. pp.5-29.
Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola

Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola

Zavale, H.; Matchaya, Greenwell; Manuvanga, K.; Pinto, N. 2023. Africa Agriculture Transformation Scorecard: performance and lessons. Angola. Pretoria, South Africa: Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System for Eastern and Southern Africa (ReSAKSS-ESA); Kigali, Rwanda: AKADEMIYA2063. 7p. (2021 Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Biennial Review Brief) [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Simulation of water resource development and environmental flows in the Lake Tana Sub basin

Alemayehu, T.; McCartney, Matthew; Kebede, S. 2009. Simulation of water resource development and environmental flows in the Lake Tana Sub basin. In Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Erkossa, Teklu; Smakhtin, Vladimir; Fernando, Ashra (Comps.). Improved water and land management in the Ethiopian highlands: its impact on downstream stakeholders dependent on the Blue Nile. Intermediate Results Dissemination Workshop held at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 5-6 February 2009. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.23-37.
Scientific Publication

Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin [Abstract only].

Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; McCartney, Matthew; Shiferaw, Y. S.; Mohamed, Yasir. 2008. Hydrological water availability, trends and allocation in the Blue Nile Basin [Abstract only]. In Abtew, W.; Melesse, A. M. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Workshop on Hydrology and Ecology of the Nile River Basin under Extreme Conditions, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 16-19 June 2008. Sandy, UT, USA: Aardvark Global Publishing. pp.293.
Multiscale water accounting under climate change in a transboundary West African basin [Abstract only]
Scientific Publication

Multiscale water accounting under climate change in a transboundary West African basin [Abstract only]

Dembele, Moctar; Salvadore, E.; Zwart, Sander; Ceperley, N.; Mariethoz, G.; Schaefli, B. 2023. Multiscale water accounting under climate change in a transboundary West African basin [Abstract only]. Paper presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria and Online, 24-28 April 2023. 1p. [doi:]
Scientific Publication

Spate irrigation and poverty in Ethiopia

Hagos, Fitsum; Erkossa, Teklu; Lefore, Nicole; Langan, Simon. 2014. Spate irrigation and poverty in Ethiopia. In Erkossa, Teklu; Hagos, Fitsum; Lefore, Nicole. (Eds.). 2014. Proceedings of the Workshop on Flood-based Farming for Food Security and Adaption to Climate Change in Ethiopia: Potential and Challenges, Adama, Ethiopia, 30-31 October 2013. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.43-52.

Irrigation and schistosomiasis in Africa: ecological aspects

Boelee, Eline; Madsen, H. 2006. Irrigation and schistosomiasis in Africa: ecological aspects. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 34p. (IWMI Research Report 099) doi: