
Understanding gendered trait preferences: Implications for client-responsive breeding programs
Scientific Publication

Understanding gendered trait preferences: Implications for client-responsive breeding programs

McDougall, C., Kariuki, J., Lenjiso, B.M., Marimo, P., Mehar, M., Murphy, S., Teeken, B., Akester, M.J., Benzie, J.A.H., Galiè, A., Kulakow, P., Mekkawy, W., Nkengla-Asi, L., Ojango, J.M.K., Tumuhimbise, R., Uwimana, B. and Orr, A. 2022. Understanding gendered trait preferences: Implications for client-responsive breeding programs. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 1(8): e0000025.
Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective
Scientific Publication

Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective

Elias, M and Mudege, N and Lopez, D E and Najjar, D and Kandiwa, V and Luis, J and Yila, J and Tegbaru, A and Ibrahim, G and Badstue, L and Njuguna, E M and Bentaibi, A (2018) Gendered aspirations and occupations among rural youth, in agriculture and beyond: A cross-regional perspective. Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (1). pp. 82-107. ISSN 2413-922X
Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure
Scientific Publication

Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure

Ahern, M.; Raneri, J.; De Muro, P. ; Kennedy, G. (2016) Exploring the effectiveness of a rapid participatory method in mapping the role of agricultural biodiversity in local food systems to identify potential entry points to improve peoples' capabilities to be nutrition secure. [Abstract] presented at Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world — fair use of resources, September 18 - 21, 2016 1 p.

Sustainability and replicability of multiple-use water systems (MUS). Project report submitted to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the project "Study for the Market Access and Water Technology for Women" by IWMI, iDE, SAPPROS, Samjhauta and NTAG

Clement, Floriane; Pokhrel, Paras; Sherpa, Tashi Yang Chung. 2015. Sustainability and replicability of multiple-use water systems (MUS). Project report submitted to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) under the project "Study for the Market Access and Water Technology for Women" by IWMI, iDE, SAPPROS, Samjhauta and NTAG. Kathmandu, Nepal: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 72p.

Reporte de actividades generacion de tres manuales tecnicos y de divulgacion: 1. Manual de plagas en granos almacenados y tecnologias alternas para su manejo y control. 2. El silo metalico: manual tecnico de fabricacion y manejo 3. Folleto: Mejoramiento de maices criollos por integracion de alelos para el proyecto tecnologias integrales para reducir las perdidas en post-cosecha de maiz en el Estado de Mexico

Garcia-Lara, S; Bergvinson, D.J, 'Reporte de actividades generacion de tres manuales tecnicos y de divulgacion: 1. Manual de plagas en granos almacenados y tecnologias alternas para su manejo y control. 2. El silo metalico: manual tecnico de fabricacion y manejo 3. Folleto: Mejoramiento de maices criollos por integracion de alelos para el proyecto tecnologias integrales para reducir las perdidas en post-cosecha de maiz en el Estado de Mexico', CIMMYT, 2007
Scientific Publication

Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana = Identification of preferred traits of cassava varieties by users in the production-consumption chain at the Colombian Caribbean region

López Montes, Antonio José; Marín Arredondo, Norbey. 2007. Identificación de caracteres de preferencia en variedades de yuca por parte de usuarios de la cadena producción-consumo en la región Caribe colombiana . Revista CORPOICA (Colombia) 8(2):42-49.
A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato
Poster / Presentation

A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato

Burgos, G., Liria Domínguez, M.R., Penny, M., Fairweather, S., Felde, T. zum, Campos, H., Zeder, C., Zimmerman, M. (2020). A stable isotope study in Peruvian women demonstrates higher iron bioavailability in a yellow fleshed potato variety compared to a high iron purple fleshed potato. Micronutrient Forum, 5th Global Conference, November 9-13 2020
Scientific Publication

Did a microfinance ‘plus’ programme empower female farmers and pastoralists and improve intrahousehold equality in rural Ethiopia? Evidence from an impact evaluation using a Project-Women’s Empowerment in Agricultural Index (pro-WEAI) survey tool

Hillesland, Marya et al., 'Did a microfinance ‘plus’ programme empower female farmers and pastoralists and improve intrahousehold equality in rural Ethiopia? Evidence from an impact evaluation using a Project-Women’s Empowerment in Agricultural Index (pro-WEAI) survey tool', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2021
Women Entrepreneurs Using a Value Chain Approach. Doing business with eight women’s groups as direct actors in dual-purpose cattle and vegetable value chains
Book / Monograph

Women Entrepreneurs Using a Value Chain Approach. Doing business with eight women’s groups as direct actors in dual-purpose cattle and vegetable value chains

Vásquez, A.C.; Castro, N; Corrales, L. 2015. Mujeres que Implementan Negocios con Enfoque de Cadenas de Valor. Women Entrepreneurs Using a Value Chain Approach. Doing business with eight women’s groups as direct actors in dual-purpose cattle and vegetable value chains. Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Managua, Ni. p. 20. (The story behind the numbers 9)
Scientific Publication

Cash and in-kind transfers lead to excess weight gain in a population of women with a high prevalence of overweight in rural Mexico

Leroy, Jef et al., 'Cash and in-kind transfers lead to excess weight gain in a population of women with a high prevalence of overweight in rural Mexico', Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 4-6, 2013, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), Milwaukee, WI, USA, 2013
Innovaciones tecnológicas en el manejo integrado del cuero de sapo de la yuca (Manohot esculenta Crantz): Estrategias para reducir el impacto de la enfermedad por efectos del cambio climático en Colombia, Costa Rica y Paraguay
Scientific Publication

Innovaciones tecnológicas en el manejo integrado del cuero de sapo de la yuca (Manohot esculenta Crantz): Estrategias para reducir el impacto de la enfermedad por efectos del cambio climático en Colombia, Costa Rica y Paraguay

Álvarez, Elizabeth; Gómez, Yannery; Zacher, Marta Beatriz; Campo, Rodrigo. 2014. Innovaciones tecnológicas en el manejo integrado del cuero de sapo de la yuca (Manohot esculenta Crantz) : Estrategias para reducir el impacto de la enfermedad por efectos del cambio climático en Colombia, Costa Rica y Paraguay . In: IX Taller de seguimiento técnico de proyectos FONTAGRO y 59 Reunión anual del PCCMCA 2014.Managua, Nicaragua 28-29 Abril 2.014. FONTAGRO, Managua, NI. 2 p.
Caracterización de dos gramíneas forrajeras de Brachiaria (B. decumbens y B. ruziziensis) y sus recombinantes genéticos por su adaptación a suelos con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio. Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias)

Caracterización de dos gramíneas forrajeras de Brachiaria (B. decumbens y B. ruziziensis) y sus recombinantes genéticos por su adaptación a suelos con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio. Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias)

Mejía Kerguelen, Sergio. 2007. Caracterización de dos gramíneas forrajeras de Brachiaria (B. decumbens y B. ruziziensis) y sus recombinantes genéticos por su adaptación a suelos con bajo fósforo disponible y alta saturación de aluminio. Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias Agropecuarias) [en línea]. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Escuela de Posgrados, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, CO. 146 p.