
Scientific Publication

Newer rapid TB diagnostic tests: why the uptake is low in India’s private sector

Santosha Kelamane, Sharath Burugina Nagaraja, Anil Kumar, Srinath Satyanarayana (2015) Newer rapid TB diagnostic tests: why the uptake is low in India’s private sector Public Health Action International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease Health solutions for the poor Public Health Action. 2015 Mar 21; 5(1): 89 10.5588/pha.14.0108
Scientific Publication

Integrating diverse methods to understand climate-land interactions in East Africa

Olson, J.M.; Alagarswamy, G.; Andresen, J.A.; Campbell, D.J.; Davis, A.Y.; Jianjun Ge; Huebner, M.; Lofgren, B.M.; Lusch, D.P.; Moore, N.J.; Pijanowski, B.C.; Jiaguo Qi; Thornton, P.K.; Torbick, N.M.; Jing Wang. 2008. Integrating diverse methods to understand climate-land interactions in East Africa. Geoforum 39(2):898-911.