
Scientific Publication

Aspectos fisiologicos de Andropogon gayanus y su compatibilidad con las leguminosas forrajeras

TOLEDO, J.M.; FISHER, M.J. 1989. Aspectos fisiologicos de Andropogon gayanus y su compatibilidad con las leguminosas forrajeras. In: Toledo, José M.; Vera, Raúl R.; Lascano, Carlos E.; Lenné, Jillian M. (eds.). Andropogon gayanus Kunth: Un pasto para los suelos ácidos del trópico. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 69-104.
Yuca: Control integrado de plagas
Book / Monograph

Yuca: Control integrado de plagas

Reyes, J.A (comp.). 1983. Yuca: Control integrado de plagas . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Programa de Yuca, Cali, CO. 362 p.
Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
Poster / Presentation

Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

Pérez, J.; Fory Sánchez, Luisa Fernanda; Velasquez, A.; Duque, S.; Herrera, P.; Calle, F.; Morante, N.; Duque, M.; Ceballos, H.; Roca , W.; Tohme, Joseph M.; Gallego, Gerardo J. 2012. Uso de marcadores SNPs y SSR para la evaluación de flujo de genes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz).. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) and Lac-Biosafety: Latin America Multi-Country capacity building for compliance with the Cartagena protocol on Biosafety Brazil - Colombia - Perú - Costa Rica, Cali, CO. 1 p.
Scientific Publication

Breeding approach and progress made in the SADC/CIAT Bean Program in Malawi

Aggarwal, V.D.; Mbvundula, A.D. 1992. Breeding approach and progress made in the SADC/CIAT Bean Program in Malawi. In: Allen, David J. (ed.). SADC/CIAT Bean Research Workshop (3, 1992, Mbabane, Swaziland). Proceedings. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Network on Bean Research in Africa, Dar es Salaam, TZ. p. 245-271. (CIAT African workshop series no. 27)
Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands
Scientific Publication

Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands

Liria-Domínguez, M.R.; Penny, M.E.; Kroon, P.A.; Burgos, G.; Dainty, J.; Zeder, C.; Zimmermann, M.; King, J. C.; Mithen, R.; Boy, E.; Al-Jaiballi, O.; Fairweather-Tait, S. 2023. Biofortified Yellow-Fleshed Potatoes Provide More Absorbable Zinc than a Commonly Consumed Variety: A Randomized Trial Using Stable Isotopes in Women in the Peruvian Highlands. Journal of Nutrition. ISSN 1541-6100. 33 p.
Magazine or Press item

Demanding Innovation

CTA. 2004. Demanding Innovation. Knowledge for Development. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Scientific Publication

Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance

Rodriguez, Miguel Angel Dita; Alves, Alfredo Augusto Cunha; Silva, Alineaurea Florentino; Bellotti, Anthony C.; Fregene, Martin A. 2008. Evaluation of cassava interspecific hybrids for disease resistance [abstract]. In: Scientific Meeting of the Global Cassava Partnership (GCP-1) (1, 2008, Ghent, Belgium). Proceedings. Institute of Plant Biotechnology for Developing Countries (IPBO), Ghent, BE. p. 146.
Mejoramiento de la yuca en Republica Dominicana
Scientific Publication

Mejoramiento de la yuca en Republica Dominicana

Sosa V., M.A.. 1992. Mejoramiento de la yuca en Republica Dominicana . In: Iglesias F., Carlos Ariel; Fukuda, Wania Maria Gonçalves (eds.). Reunión Panamericana de Fitomejoradores de Yuca (2, 1992, Cali, Colombia). Memorias . Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. p. 99-105. (Documento de trabajo no. 112)
Costos de producción
Book / Monograph

Costos de producción

Echeverri Blair, Adriana; Patiño Arbeláez, Carlos Alberto; Sanint, Luis Roberto. 1990. Costos de producción. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, CO. 14 p.
Scientific Publication

Public investment, growth, and rural poverty

Fan, Shenggen; Rao, Neetha, 'Public investment, growth, and rural poverty', In Public expenditures, growth, and poverty in developing countries: Lessons from developing countries, ed. Shenggen Fan. Chapter 3. Pp. 56-108., Published for the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) by Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD, 2008
Scientific Publication

The case for Mexico's rescue: the peso package looks even better now

De Long, B; De Long, C; Robinson, Sherman, 'The case for Mexico's rescue: the peso package looks even better now', In Financial medic to the world? The International Monetary Fund. L. J. McQuillan, P. C. Montgomery, eds. Pp. 104-110, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University., Stanford, CA, 1999
Scientific Publication

Competitiveness of African countries in agrifood products

Bouët, Antoine; Goundan, Anatole; Zaki, Chahir, 'Competitiveness of African countries in agrifood products', In Africa agriculture trade monitor 2020. Bouët, Antoine; Odjo, Sunday P.; and Zaki, Chahir (Eds.). Chapter 4, Pp. 77-117, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2020