
Dataset / Tabular

Yield Map Winter Wheat, 2010

Biradar, Chandrashekhar; Loew, Fabian; Fliemann, Elisabeth, 2021, "Yield Map Winter Wheat, 2010",, MELDATA, V3
Report / Case study

Absorptive capacity in the security and justice sectors. Assessing obstacles to success in the donor-recipient relationship. Managing absorptive capacity, Vol. 2. Pre-publication draft

Lamb, R. D.; Mixon, K.; Halterman, A. Absorptive capacity in the security and justice sectors. Assessing obstacles to success in the donor-recipient relationship. Managing absorptive capacity, Vol. 2. Pre-publication draft. Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington DC, USA (2013) 76 pp
Chapter 20. Malaysia: exploring the utility of a community seed bank in Sarawak
Scientific Publication

Chapter 20. Malaysia: exploring the utility of a community seed bank in Sarawak

Bordoni, P.; Hodgkin, T. (2015) Chapter 20. Malaysia: exploring the utility of a community seed bank in Sarawak. In: Community seed banks: origins, evolution and prospects. Vernooy, R. (et al.) (eds.) Issues in Agricultural Biodiversity. London (UK): Routledge p. 120-124 ISBN: 978-0-415-70806-0
Scientific Publication

Who Is a Typical Patient with Visceral Leishmaniasis? Characterizing the Demographic and Nutritional Profile of Patients in Brazil, East Africa, and South Asia

Harhay, M.O.; Olliaro, P.L.; Vaillant, M.; Chappuis, F.; Lima, M.A.; Ritmeijer, K.; Costa, C.H.; Costa, D.L.; Rijal, S.; Sundar, S.; Balasegaram, M. . Who Is a Typical Patient with Visceral Leishmaniasis? Characterizing the Demographic and Nutritional Profile of Patients in Brazil, East Africa, and South Asia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (2011) 84 (4) 543-550. (DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.2011.10-0321)
Scientific Publication

Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses

Margetts, B.M.; Fall, C.H.D.; Ronsmans, C.; Allen, L.H.; Fisher, D.J.; Maternal Micronutrient Supplementation Study Group (MMSSG). Multiple micronutrient supplementation during pregnancy in low-income countries: Review of methods and characteristics of studies included in the meta-analyses. Food and Nutrition Bulletin (2009) 30 (Supplement 4) 517-526. (Supplement 4: Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation During Pregnancy in Developing Country Settings; ed. by Dalmiya, N., Darnton-Hill, I., Schultink, W. and Shrimpton, R.)
Scientific Publication

FACT Project AS-MQ

Presentatation from: Scientific Symposium 'Implementation of Artemisinin Combination Therapies (ACTs): Role of ASMQ'. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17 April 2008

Adolescent digital inclusion

Presler-Marshall, E., Jones, N., Małachowska, A., Alabbadi, T., Alheiwidi, S., Alshammari, F., Amaireh, W. and Ashareef, Q. (2022) Adolescent digital inclusion. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence
Scientific Publication

An integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness

Welton-Mitchell, C., James, L. E., Khanal, S. N., & James, A. S. (2018). An integrated approach to mental health and disaster preparedness: a cluster comparison with earthquake affected communities in Nepal. BMC psychiatry, 18(1), 296.