
Scientific Publication

Pregnancy and infant outcomes among HIV-infected women taking long-term ART with and without tenofovir in the DART trial

Gibb, D. M.; Kizito, H.; Russell, E.C.; Chidziva, E.; Zalwango, E.; Nalumenya, R.; Spyer, M.; Tumukunde, D.; Nathoo, K.; Munderi, P.; Kyomugisha, H.; Hakim, J.; Grosskurth, H.; Gilks, C.F.; Walker, A.S.; Musoke, P. Pregnancy and Infant Outcomes among HIV-Infected Women Taking Long-Term ART with and without Tenofovir in the DART Trial. PLoS Medicine (2012) 9 (5) e1001217. (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001217)
Scientific Publication

Workshop on 'The non-DAC states and the role of public perspectives in shaping the future of development cooperation: project findings', School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK, 17 June 2011

Mawdsley, E.; Tan-Mullins, M.; Drazkiewicz-Grodzicka, E.; Gray, P.; Yanacopulos, H. Workshop on ‘The non-DAC states and the role of public perspectives in shaping the future of development cooperation: project findings’, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK, 17 June 2011
Scientific Publication

Are 'Village Doctors' in Bangladesh a curse or a blessing?

Mahmood, S.S.; Wahed, T.; Mohammad Iqbal; Bhuiya, A.; Hanifi, S.M.A. Are ‘Village Doctors’ in Bangladesh a curse or a blessing? BMC International Health and Human Rights (2010) 10 (1) 18. (DOI: 10.1186/1472-698X-10-18)
Working Paper

The political economy of economic growth in India, 1993-2013

Kunal Sen; Sabyasachi Kar; Sahu, J.P. The political economy of economic growth in India,1993-2013. Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre (ESID), University of Manchester, Manchester, UK (2014) 44 pp. (ESID Working Paper No. 44.)
Scientific Publication

Citizen Led Accountability and Inclusivity in Pakistan

Kirk, T. Citizen Led Accountability and Inclusivity in Pakistan. Justice and Security Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London, UK (2014) 39 pp. (JSRP Paper 20)
Scientific Publication

Household food group expenditure patterns are associated with child anthropometry at ages 5, 8 and 12 years in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam

Humphries, Debbie, Kirk A. Dearden, Benjamin T. Crookston, Tassew Woldehanna, Mary E. Penny, Jere R. Behrman (2017) Household food group expenditure patterns are associated with child anthropometry at ages 5, 8 and 12 years in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam, Economics & Human Biology Volume 26, August 2017, Pages 30–41 Early online version published 14 Feb 2017