
Scientific Publication

How do intrahousehold dynamics change When assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s “targeting the ultra poor” program in Bangladesh

Das, Narayan et al., 'How do intrahousehold dynamics change When assets are transferred to women? Evidence from BRAC’s “targeting the ultra poor” program in Bangladesh', In Learning from eight agricultural development interventions in Africa and South Asia. Eds. Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Njuki, Jemimah and Johnson, Nancy. Pp. 17-20., International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2013
Poster / Presentation

Applying participatory approach to study zoonoses in an Ecohealth framework: Experiences and lessons learned from case studies in southern Vietnam

Duong Nguyen Khang, Nguyen Ngoc Thuy, Nguyen Van Khanh, Le Hong Phong, Tran Cong Kha, Dang Trinh Minh Anh, Nguyen Quoc Huy, Van Cao, Lapar, M.L., Gilbert, J. and Mai Van Hiep. 2012. Applying participatory approach to study zoonoses in an Ecohealth framework: Experiences and lessons learned from case studies in southern Vietnam. Poster presented at the 2012 Ecohealth conference, Kunming, China, 15-18 October 2012.
Participatory management and sustainable use of groundwater: a review of the Andhra Pradesh Farmer-Managed Groundwater Systems project in India

Participatory management and sustainable use of groundwater: a review of the Andhra Pradesh Farmer-Managed Groundwater Systems project in India

Reddy, V. R.; Pavelic, Paul; Reddy, M. S. 2021. Participatory management and sustainable use of groundwater: a review of the Andhra Pradesh Farmer-Managed Groundwater Systems project in India. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 21p. (Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice (GRIPP) Case Profile Series 05) [doi:]
Using participatory system dynamics approaches to evaluate the nutritional sensitivity of a producer-facing agricultural intervention in India and Bangladesh
Poster / Presentation

Using participatory system dynamics approaches to evaluate the nutritional sensitivity of a producer-facing agricultural intervention in India and Bangladesh

Cooper, G. and Rich, K. 2019. Using participatory system dynamics approaches to evaluate the nutritional sensitivity of a producer-facing agricultural intervention in India and Bangladesh. Presented at the 3rd Asia Pacific System Dynamics Conference, University of Queensland, Australia, 2-4 February 2020. UK: University of London.
Scientific Publication

Sustaining farm productivity through watershed based participatory balance nutrient management: A case study from Semi-Arid Tropics of central India

Palsaniya, D R and Ramesh, S and Tewari, R K and Dhyani, S K and Yadav, R S and Wani, S P and Sachan, R and Pandey, S N (2016) Sustaining farm productivity through watershed based participatory balance nutrient management: A case study from Semi-Arid Tropics of central India. Indian Journal of Soil Conservation, 44 (01). pp. 13-18. ISSN 0970-3349
Book / Monograph

An overview of gender-related activities in IRRI-PETRRA, IRRI-FoSHoL, and CSISA-India projects

Salahuddin, Ahmad, 'An overview of gender-related activities in IRRI-PETRRA, IRRI-FoSHoL, and CSISA-India projects', vol. pages 48-49, In: Addressing gender access to the dissemination of stress tolerant rice variety seed. Conference: GRiSP Gender Research Network (GGRN) Workshop Proceedings, IRRI Social Sciences Division Conference Room, Drilon Hall, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 25−27 June, 2014

Conservation agriculture for the dry-land areas of the Yellow River Basin: Increasing the productivity, sustainability, equity and water use efficiency of dry-land agriculture, while protecting downstream water users

CIMMYT. Conservation agriculture for the dry-land areas of the Yellow River Basin: Increasing the productivity, sustainability, equity and water use efficiency of dry-land agriculture, while protecting downstream water users.Colombo, Sri Lanka: CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food.