
Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems
Scientific Publication

Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems

Yami, M., Haddis, E., Birhane, E. & Kidu, G. (2019). Building gender-sensitive climate-smart agriculture approaches for sustainable food-energy systems. In K.M. Hadgu, B. Bishaw, M. Iiyama, E. Birhane, A. Negussie, C.M. Davies and B. Bernart, Climate-smart agriculture: enhancing resilient agricultural systems, landscapes, and livelihoods in Ethiopia and beyond (p. 203-210). Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry.
Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania
Working Paper

Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania

Gumucio T, Kramer B, Ragasa C, Pyburn R, Galie A, Dejene Aredo S, Jumba H, Nimorme E, Omondi I, Sufian FD. 2021. Gender and seed entrepreneurism: Case studies in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya and Tanzania. CCAFS Working Paper no. 412. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).
Participatory approach to increase dietary diversity through agricultural activities and nutrition education in Western Kenya
Scientific Publication

Participatory approach to increase dietary diversity through agricultural activities and nutrition education in Western Kenya

Boedecker, J. Odhiambo, F.O.; Termote, C.; Kennedy, G. (2017) Participatory approach to increase dietary diversity through agricultural activities and nutrition education in Western Kenya. [Abstract] In: Tielkes, E. (ed.): Tropentag 2017 – Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts. Book of Abstracts. Gottingen (Germany): Cuvillier Verlag. p. 413. ISBN: 978-3-9801686-7-0
Leveraging food-based recommendations for women and children in Nairobi slums with animal source foods
Poster / Presentation

Leveraging food-based recommendations for women and children in Nairobi slums with animal source foods

Dominguez-Salas, P., Alarcon, P., Alonso, S., Colverson, K., Cornelsen, L., Ferguson, E., Fèvre, E.,Grace, D., Häsler, B. and Rushton, J. 2014. Leveraging food-based recommendations for women and children in Nairobi slums with animal source foods. Poster presented at the Emergency Nutrition Network Technical Meeting on Nutrition, Oxford, UK, 7-9 October 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Poster / Presentation

Participatory diagnosis for establishing innovation and communication platforms in trans-frontier conservation areas in Zimbabwe

Tembani, M., Marimira, S., Jiri, A., Mathe, S., Audouin, S., Mukamuri, B., ... & Triomphe, B. (2017). Participatory diagnosis for establishing innovation and communication platforms in trans-frontier conservation areas in Zimbabwe. Poster session presented at: Research Platform - Production and Conservation in Partnership RP-PCP conference, 22-27 May, Chiredzi, Zimbabwe.