
Poster / Presentation

Control of East Coast Fever by immunization

Kiara, H., Teufel, N., Rao, J., Ngowi, N., Dulle, C., Mwakalukwa, L., Mbwille, H., Omore, A. and Balteweck, I. 2019. Control of East Coast Fever by immunization. Poster prepared for the Maziwa Zaidi Agribusiness Forum, Moshi, Tanzania, 17 October 2019. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Using FEAST to characterize the farming and livestock production systems and the potential to enhance livestock productivity through improved feeding in in Golgolnaele, Atsbi-Wonberta District, Tigray, Ethiopia

Using FEAST to characterize the farming and livestock production systems and the potential to enhance livestock productivity through improved feeding in in Golgolnaele, Atsbi-Wonberta District, Tigray, Ethiopia

Hagos, T., GebreYohans, S., GebreMeskel, K., GebreYohanse, W., Zegey, T., Assfaw, M. and Wamatu, J. 2014. Using FEAST to characterize the farming and livestock production systems and the potential to enhance livestock productivity through improved feeding in in Golgolnaele, Atsbi-Wonberta District, Tigray, Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: ICARDA.
Opportunities for feeding forages to pigs in Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Opportunities for feeding forages to pigs in Uganda

Maass, Brigitte L.; Kabirizi, Jolly Mary; Pezo, Danilo; Carter, Natalie; Ouma, Emily; Zziwa, Emmanuel; Chiuri, Wanjiku. 2014. Opportunities for feeding forages to pigs in Uganda . In: Tropentag 2014: Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources. September 17-19, 2014, Prague, Czech Republic Prague, CZ. 1 p.
Building resilience: Impacts of climate change, variability and adaptation strategies: The case of Manyoni district in Singida region, Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Building resilience: Impacts of climate change, variability and adaptation strategies: The case of Manyoni district in Singida region, Tanzania

Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. 2015. Building resilience: Impacts of climate change, variability and adaptation strategies: the case of Manyoni district in Singida region, Tanzania. In: Nicol, A., Langan, S., Victor, M. and Gonsalves, J. (eds), Water-smart agriculture in East Africa. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI and CGIAR research program on WLE; Kampala, Uganda: GWI EA. PP. 45-52.
Evidence-based scaling-up of evergreen agriculture for increasing crop productivity, fodder supply and resilience of the maize-mixed and agro-pastoral farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi

Evidence-based scaling-up of evergreen agriculture for increasing crop productivity, fodder supply and resilience of the maize-mixed and agro-pastoral farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi

Kimaro, A.A., Weldesemayat, S.G., Mpanda, M., Swai, E., Kayeye, H., Nyoka, B.I., Majule, A.E., Perfect, J. and Kundhlande, G. 2012. Evidence-based scaling-up of evergreen agriculture for increasing crop productivity, fodder supply and resilience of the maize-mixed and agro-pastoral farming systems in Tanzania and Malawi. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre.