
Kenyan potato varieties respond differently to stress induced by polyethylene glycol via hydroponic nutrient delivery system.
Scientific Publication

Kenyan potato varieties respond differently to stress induced by polyethylene glycol via hydroponic nutrient delivery system.

Nyongesa, M.; Lung’aho, C.; Mbiyu, M.; Otieno, S.; Castro, C.M. 2014. Kenyan potato varieties respond differently to stress induced by polyethylene glycol via hydroponic nutrient delivery system. In: Embrapa. Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) International Consortium in Advanced Biology (CIBA) Solanaceae Conference: Book of abstracts. 11. SOL 2014. Porto Seguro, Bahia (Brazil). Nov 2-6 2014. (Brazil). p. 164.
Scientific Publication

Discussion on theme 1 - Status quo analysis, characterization, and assessment of performance of irrigation in Ethiopia

Bossio, Deborah [Chair person]; Loulseged, Makonnen [Rapporture] 2008. Discussion on theme 1 - Status quo analysis, characterization, and assessment of performance of irrigation in Ethiopia. In Awulachew, Seleshi Bekele; Loulseged, Makonnen; Yilma, Aster Denekew (Comps.). Impact of irrigation on poverty and environment in Ethiopia: draft proceedings of the symposium and exhibition, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27-29 November 2007. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.93-94.
Scientific Publication

Promoting agro-enterprises in the highlands of Ethiopia through improved institutional support services: Experiences of market-oriented dairy and fattening development

Gebremedhin, B., Hoekstra, D. and Tegegne, A. 2014. Promoting agro-enterprises in the highlands of Ethiopia through improved institutional support services: Experiences of market-oriented dairy and fattening development. IN: Christy, R.D. , Silva, C.A. da, Mhlanga, N., Mabaya, E. and Tihanyi, K. (eds.). 2014. Innovative institutions, public policies and private strategies for agro-enterprise development. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing: FAO: 245 - 276.
The role of market outlet in determining terms for milk sales by smallholders in Kenya
Scientific Publication

The role of market outlet in determining terms for milk sales by smallholders in Kenya

Ngigi, M.; Delgado, C.; Staal, S.J.; Mbogoh, S. 2000. The role of market outlet in determining terms for milk sales by smallholders in Kenya. Paper presented at the Symposium on “Expanding Market Participation in the Developing World”, Annual meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association, July 31 - August 3 2000, Tampa, Florida. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Understanding landscape dynamics: A case study from Kalomo District
Scientific Publication

Understanding landscape dynamics: A case study from Kalomo District

Moombe, K.B., Siangulube, F.S., Mwaanga, B.M., Mfuni, T.I., Yanou, M., Gumbo, D., Mwansa, R.C., Juunza, G.. 2020. Understanding landscape dynamics: A case study from Kalomo District. In: Reed, J., Ros-Tonen, M. and Sunderland, T.C.H. (eds.), Operationalizing integrated landscape approaches in the tropics: 148-175. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
R4D Review 2
Scientific Publication

R4D Review 2

Abele, S., Koper, E., IITA, Asiedu, R., Bramel, P., Chikoye, D. & Lopez, K. (2009). R4D Review. IITA, 2, 1-48.
Characterization of the livestock production systems and the potential of feed-based interventions for improving livestock productivity in Sinana district, Bale highlands, Ethiopia

Characterization of the livestock production systems and the potential of feed-based interventions for improving livestock productivity in Sinana district, Bale highlands, Ethiopia

Abate, D., Belete, S., Wegi, T., Usman, S., Wamatu, J. and Duncan, A.J. 2012. Characterization of the livestock production systems and the potential of feed-based interventions for improving livestock productivity in Sinana district, Bale highlands, Ethiopia. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute.
Ethiopian indigenous goats offer insights into past and recent demographic dynamics and local adaptation in sub-Saharan African goats
Scientific Publication

Ethiopian indigenous goats offer insights into past and recent demographic dynamics and local adaptation in sub-Saharan African goats

Getinet Tarekegn, Negar Khayatzadeh, B Liu, S Osama, Aynalem Haile, Barbara Rischkowsky, W Zhang, Kassahun Tesfaye, Tadelle Dessie, Ally Okeyo Mwai, A Djikeng, Joram Mwacharo. (1/7/2021). Ethiopian indigenous goats offer insights into past and recent demographic dynamics and local adaptation in sub-Saharan African goats. Evolutionary Applications, 14 (7), pp. 1716-1731
Dataset / Tabular

Farm inventory surveys in Uganda: Tree data

Kihumuro, Phillip;Harrison, Sam;Okia, Clement;Harrison, Rhett, 2020, "Farm inventory surveys in Uganda: Tree data",, World Agroforestry - Research Data Repository, V4, UNF:6:B+Lcvz4Gil2FQ51Lxw52xQ== [fileUNF]