
Scientific Publication

Sociological Approaches to Children’s Rights

Virginia Morrow and Kirrily Pells (2016), ‘Sociological Approaches to Children’s Rights’ chapter in Handbook of Children’s Rights: Global and Multidisciplinary Perspectives’ edited by Martin D. Ruck, Michele Peterson-Badali and Michael Freeman, Routledge
Scientific Publication

The Acute Phase Response Affected Traditional Measures of Micronutrient Status in Rural Zambian Children during a Randomized, Controlled Feeding Trial

Bresnahan, K.A.; Chileshe, J.; Arscott, S.; Nuss, E.; Surles, R.; Masi, C.; Kafwembe, E.; Tanumidardjo, S.A. The Acute Phase Response Affected Traditional Measures of Micronutrient Status in Rural Zambian Children during a Randomized, Controlled Feeding Trial. Journal of Nutrition (2014) 144 (6) 972-978. (DOI: 10.3945/jn.114.192245)
Scientific Publication

The impact of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention, on reported HIV-related risk behaviours and relationship dynamics in Kampala, Uganda

Kyegombe, N.; Abramsky, T.; Devries, K.M.; Starmann, E.; Michau, L.; Nakuti, J.; Musuya, T.; Heise, L.; Watts, C. The impact of SASA!, a community mobilization intervention, on reported HIV-related risk behaviours and relationship dynamics in Kampala, Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society (2014) 17 (1) 19232. (DOI: 10.7448/IAS.17.1.19232)
Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya

Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya

Ingasia, O.A.; Otieno, A.J.; Okutoyi, G.A.; Nchanji, E.B.; Lutomia, C.K.; Waswa, B.S.; Ouya, F.O. (2023) Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya. CGIAR Initiative on Gender Equity, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT. 16 p.
Ban on Rice Cultivation in Uganda’s Wetlands: Implications for Household Income, Food Security, Gender Equity and Social Safety Nets in the Rainfed Lowland Areas of Amuria, Soroti and Katakwi Districts

Ban on Rice Cultivation in Uganda’s Wetlands: Implications for Household Income, Food Security, Gender Equity and Social Safety Nets in the Rainfed Lowland Areas of Amuria, Soroti and Katakwi Districts

Nabikyu, J., Twine, E. and Dossou-Yovo, E. 2023. Ban on Rice Cultivation in Uganda’s Wetlands: Implications for Household Income, Food Security, Gender Equity and Social Safety Nets in the Rainfed Lowland Areas of Amuria, Soroti and Katakwi Districts. Bouake, Cote d’Ivoire: AfricaRice.
CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion (SAPLING): IPSR Innovation Portfolio Management Report

CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion (SAPLING): IPSR Innovation Portfolio Management Report

Baltenweck, I., Rekik, M., Ouma, E., Galie, A., Kassie, G.T., Notenbaert, A., Mwai, O.A., Haile, A., Dione, M., Wamatu, J., Thierfelder, C.L., Padmakumar, V., Rao, J., Esatu, W., Sanchez-Garcia, M., Hammond, J., Konlambigue, M., Lacasta, A. and Marshall, K. 2023. CGIAR Initiative on Sustainable Animal Productivity for Livelihoods, Nutrition and Gender Inclusion (SAPLING): IPSR Innovation Portfolio Management Report. First edition, March 2023. Montpellier: CGIAR System Organization.