
Dataset / Tabular

Ecosystem functions in rainfed rice based short rotations in Malagasy highlands

Ripoche, Aude; Autfray, Patrice; Rabary, Bodo; Randriamanantsoa, Richard; Trap, Jean; Sauvadet, Marie; Letourmy, Philippe; Blanchart, Eric; Randriamandimbisoa Christian, 2021, "Ecosystem functions in rainfed rice based short rotations in Malagasy highlands",, CIRAD Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:jm7bXWWuMFLEHd/78etONQ== [fileUNF]

Being cruel to be kind

CTA. 2001. Being cruel to be kind. Rural Radio Resource Pack 01/3. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
Scientific Publication

Market feasibility of faecal sludge and municipal solid waste-based compost as measured by farmers’ willingness-to-pay for product attributes: evidence from Kampala, Uganda

Danso, G. K.; Otoo, Miriam; Ekere, W.; Ddungu, S.; Madurangi, Ganesha. 2017. Market feasibility of faecal sludge and municipal solid waste-based compost as measured by farmers’ willingness-to-pay for product attributes: evidence from Kampala, Uganda. Resources, 6(3):1-17. doi: 10.3390/resources6030031
AICCRA Country Scaling Vision: Kenya

AICCRA Country Scaling Vision: Kenya

Crane T. 2023. AICCRA Country Scaling Vision: Kenya. AICCRA Info Note. Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA).
Support farmer-to-farmer and community-wide social learning

Support farmer-to-farmer and community-wide social learning

Shikuku, K., Mwongera, C., Läderach, P., Acosta, M., Ampaire, E., Eitzinger, A., Lamanna, C., Mwungu, C., Twyman, J., Winowiecki, L. 2017. Support farmer-to-farmer and community-wide social learning. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT). Cali. CO. 4 p.