
Scientific Publication

Resource recovery from urban waste: options and challenges for community based composting in Sub-Saharan Africa

Cofie, Olufunke O.; Drechsel, Pay; Agbottah, S.; van Veenhuizen, R. 2008. Resource recovery from urban waste: options and challenges for community based composting in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Richards, B. S.; Schafer, A. I. (Eds). Proceedings of the International Conference on Water and Sanitation in International Development and Disaster Relief (WSIDDR), Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 28-30 May, 2008. Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh. pp.290-296.
Sanitation biomass recovery and conversion
Scientific Publication

Sanitation biomass recovery and conversion

Cookey, P. E.; Cofie, Olufunke; Koottatep, T.; Polprasert, C. 2022. Sanitation biomass recovery and conversion. In Cookey, P. E.; Koottatep, T.; Gibson, W. T.; Polprasert, C. (Eds.). Integrated functional sanitation value chain: the role of the sanitation economy. London, UK: IWA Publishing. pp.125-180. [doi:]
Scientific Publication


Boukar, O., Fatokun, C.A., Roberts, P.A., Abberton, M., Huynh, B.L., Close, T.J., ... & Ehlers, J.D. (2015). Cowpea. In Grain Legumes (pp. 219-250). Springer New York.
Scientific Publication

Impact of ALRMPII on Emergency Responses to Drought (KPI2)

Sharif, Z., Johnson, N., Kariuki, J. and Njuki, J. 2011. Impact of ALRMPII on Emergency Responses to Drought (KPI2). IN: Johnson, N. and Wambile, A. (eds.). The Impacts of the Arid Lands Resource Management Project (ALRMPII) on Livelihoods and Vulnerability in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. ILRI Research Report 25. ISBN 92-9146-257-8. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI: 23-33.
Scientific Publication

Adaptive livestock production models for rural livelihoods transformation

Murungweni, C., Tada, O. & Nhamo, N. (2018). Adaptive livestock production models for rural livelihoods transformation. In D. Chikoye, T. Gondwe and N. Nhamo, Smart technologies for sustainable smallholder agriculture. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier, (p. 279-293).
Productivity of Blackhead Persian sheep in Tanzania
Scientific Publication

Productivity of Blackhead Persian sheep in Tanzania

Das, S.M., Rege, J.E.O. and Shibre, M. 1993. Productivity of Blackhead Persian sheep in Tanzania. In: Lebbie, S.H.B., Rey, B. and Irungu, E.K. 1993. Small ruminant research and development in Africa: Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference of the African Small Ruminant Research Network, AICC, Arusha, Tanzania, 7-11 December 1992. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: ILCA and Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
Scientific Publication

Innovation in banana value chain development in Metema District, Northwestern Ethiopia: Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) project experiences

Berhe, K., Puskur, R., Teka, W., Hoekstra, D. and Tegegne, A. 2010. Innovation in banana value chain development in Metema District, Northwestern Ethiopia: Improving Productivity and Market Success (IPMS) project experiences. IN: T. Dubois, S. Hauser, C. Staver, D. Coyne . 2010. Acta Horticulturae: International Conference on Banana and Plantain in Africa: Harnessing International Partnerships to Increase Research Impact. Acta Horticulturae 879. Leuven, Belgium: International Society for Horticultural Science: 129-139
Poster / Presentation

Community-based breeding programs for adapted sheep breeds in Ethiopia

Mirkena, T., Duguma, G., Haile, A., Tibbo, M., Okeyo, A.M., Rischkowsky, B., Wurzinger, M. and Sölkner, J. 2011. Community-based breeding programs for adapted sheep breeds in Ethiopia. Presented at the ILRI-EIAR-SLU Workshop on Sharing Research Results on Trypanotolerance in Indigenous Cattle Breeds and Experiences of Community Based Breed Improvement of Indigenous Sheep in Ethiopia—A Road Map for Implementation and Future R4D, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15-16 November 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.