
Scientific Publication

Predictive value of C-reactive protein for tuberculosis, bloodstream infection or death

Bedell RA, van Lettow M, Meaney C, Corbett EL, Chan AK, Heyderman RS, Anderson ST, Åkesson A, Kumwenda M, Zachariah R, Harries AD, Ramsay AR. Predictive value of C-reactive protein for tuberculosis, bloodstream infection or death among HIV-infected individuals with chronic, non-specific symptoms and negative sputum smear microscopy. Trop. Med. Int. Heal. (Internet). 2018;23(3):254–62. Available from:
Report / Case study

Next Generation Kenya

Next Generation Kenya Task Force (2018) Next Generation Kenya. Nairobi: British Council Samuel Hall (2017) Youth Employment in Kenya: Literature Review. Nairobi: British Council 2CV Research (2018) Next Generation Kenya: Qualitative Research Findings. Nairobi: British Council
Magazine or Press item

Over a barrel?

CTA. 2000. Over a barrel?. Spore 87. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

La presse Bielenberg

CTA. 1991. La presse Bielenberg. Spore 34. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

“Our World Is Shaking Because of Corona”

Jones, N., Pincock, K., Alheiwidi, S. and Yadete, W. (2021) ‘“Our World Is Shaking Because of Corona”: Intersecting Crises and Disrupted Life Transitions among Young People in Ethiopia and Jordan Pre- and Post-COVID-19’ Social Sciences 10(12): 470. (
Report / Case study

Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report

Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Executive Summary, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017) Policy Brief No.1: Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding - Rwanda