
Gender aspects of smallholder private groundwater irrigation in Ghana and Zambia
Scientific Publication

Gender aspects of smallholder private groundwater irrigation in Ghana and Zambia

van Koppen, Barbara; Hope, L.; Colenbrander, W. 2023. Gender aspects of smallholder private groundwater irrigation in Ghana and Zambia. In Pavelic, Paul; Villholth, K. G.; Verma, Shilp. (Eds.). Sustainable groundwater development for improved livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa. Abingdon, Oxon, UK: Routledge. pp.123-134. (Routledge Special Issues on Water Policy and Governance)
Consumer willingness to pay a premium for orange-fleshed sweet potato puree products: a gender-responsive evidence from Becker–DeGroot–Marschak experimental auction among low- and middle-income consumers in selected regions of Nairobi, Kenya
Scientific Publication

Consumer willingness to pay a premium for orange-fleshed sweet potato puree products: a gender-responsive evidence from Becker–DeGroot–Marschak experimental auction among low- and middle-income consumers in selected regions of Nairobi, Kenya

Wangithi, C.M.; Nyangaresi, A.M.; Srinivasulu, R.; Moyo, M.; Muzhingi, T.; Kawarazuka, N. 2023. Consumer willingness to pay a premium for orange-fleshed sweet potato puree products: a gender-responsive evidence from Becker–DeGroot–Marschak experimental auction among low- and middle-income consumers in selected regions of Nairobi, Kenya. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. ISSN 2571-581X, 7. 15 p.
Gender Food Mapping for Boiled Sweetpotato in Mozambique. RTB Technical Report

Gender Food Mapping for Boiled Sweetpotato in Mozambique. RTB Technical Report

Sarah Mayanja; Samuel Edgar Tinyiro; Sarah Kisakye, Beatrice Anena, Moreen Asasira, Naico Abdul, Chalmers Mulwa, Nozomi Kawarazuka and Maria Andrade. 2021. Gender Food Mapping for Boiled Sweetpotato in Mozambique. Kampala (Uganda). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). Available online at:
Scientific Publication

Antenatal care is associated with adherence to iron supplementation among pregnant women in selected low-middle-income-countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America & the Caribbean regions: Insights from Demographic and Health Surveys

Karyadi, Elvina et al., 'Antenatal care is associated with adherence to iron supplementation among pregnant women in selected low-middle-income-countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America & the Caribbean regions: Insights from Demographic and Health Surveys', Maternal & Child Nutrition, vol. 19(2), Wiley, 2023
Scientific Publication

Gender: Promoting equality in fragile and conflict-affected settings

Malapit, Hazel; Brown, Lynn, 'Gender: Promoting equality in fragile and conflict-affected settings', In Global Food Policy Report 2023: Rethinking Food Crisis Responses. Chapter 6, Pp. 62-71, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2023
Scientific Publication

Empowering women to engage in commercial agriculture

Ambler, Kate; Jones, Kelly M; O'Sullivan, Michael, 'Empowering women to engage in commercial agriculture', AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol. 112, pp. 546-550, American Economic Association, 2022