
The strategy recommends that women of childbearing age and their partners should consume biofortified foods every day to prevent micronutrient deficiencies; parents should give their children biofortified food.

The strategy recommends that women of childbearing age and their partners should consume biofortified foods every day to prevent micronutrient deficiencies; parents should give their children biofortified food.

CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health. 2019. The strategy recommends that women of childbearing age and their partners should consume biofortified foods every day to prevent micronutrient deficiencies; parents should give their children biofortified food. Reported in Agriculture for Nutrition and Health Annual Report 2019. Policy.
In 2019 the Government of Ethiopia launched manuals on woreda participatory land use planning for pastoral areas, an approach developed by ILRI and partners with support from PIM and LIVESTOCK.

In 2019 the Government of Ethiopia launched manuals on woreda participatory land use planning for pastoral areas, an approach developed by ILRI and partners with support from PIM and LIVESTOCK.

CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets. 2019. In 2019 the Government of Ethiopia launched manuals on woreda participatory land use planning for pastoral areas, an approach developed by ILRI and partners with support from PIM and LIVESTOCK. Reported in Policies, Institutions, and Markets Annual Report 2019. Policy.
Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya
Poster / Presentation

Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya

Jumba, H., Kiara, H., Owuor, G. and Teufel, N. 2020. Are there gender differences in access to and demand for East Coast fever vaccine? Empirical evidence from rural smallholder dairy farmers in Kenya. Poster presented at Tropentag 2021 - Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future, 15-17 September 2021. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Participatory exploration of the heterogeneity in household socioeconomic, food and nutrition security status for the identification of nutrition-sensitive interventions in the Rwandan Highlands
Scientific Publication

Participatory exploration of the heterogeneity in household socioeconomic, food and nutrition security status for the identification of nutrition-sensitive interventions in the Rwandan Highlands

Mashingaidze, N., Ekesa, B., Ndayisaba, C.P., Njukwe, E., Groot, J.C., Gwazane, M. & Vanlauwe, B. (2020). Participatory exploration of the heterogeneity in household socioeconomic, food, and nutrition security status for the identification of nutrition-sensitive interventions in the Rwandan highlands. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 4, 1-20.
Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) methods and materials scale out to 17 countries, reaching 140,850 farmers in Africa, Latin America and Asia
Report / Case study

Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) methods and materials scale out to 17 countries, reaching 140,850 farmers in Africa, Latin America and Asia

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2018. Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) methods and materials scale out to 17 countries, reaching 140,850 farmers in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2018. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative
Report / Case study

Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative

CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems. 2020. Wheat Varietal Diversification Increases Ethiopian Smallholders’ Food Security for 50,000 to 75,000 farmers: Evidence from a WLE/Alliance-led Participatory Development Initiative. Reported in Water, Land and Ecosystems Annual Report 2020. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia
Report / Case study

Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia

CGIAR Research Program on Livestock. 2019. Community conversations: a community-based approach to transform gender relations and improve livestock management practices is adopted by research and development actors in Ethiopia. Reported in Livestock Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Closing Gender Gaps in Farmers’ Access to Climate Information: The Case of Radio Listeners Clubs (RLCs) in Rwanda, Preliminary results of a mixed-method analysis
Report / Case study

Closing Gender Gaps in Farmers’ Access to Climate Information: The Case of Radio Listeners Clubs (RLCs) in Rwanda, Preliminary results of a mixed-method analysis

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2021. Closing Gender Gaps in Farmers’ Access to Climate Information: The Case of Radio Listeners Clubs (RLCs) in Rwanda, Preliminary results of a mixed-method analysis. Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2021. MELIA.
CCAFS research informs several gender and agriculture submissions of the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Report / Case study

CCAFS research informs several gender and agriculture submissions of the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. 2019. CCAFS research informs several gender and agriculture submissions of the Africa Group of Negotiators (AGN) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Reported in Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Annual Report 2019. Outcome Impact Case Report.
Gender roles in ruminant disease management in Uganda and implications for control of peste des petits ruminants and Rift Valley fever
Poster / Presentation

Gender roles in ruminant disease management in Uganda and implications for control of peste des petits ruminants and Rift Valley fever

Namatovu, J., Lule, P., Asindu, M., Campbell, Z.A., Kiara, H., Bett, B., Roesel, K. and Ouma, E. 2022. Gender roles in ruminant disease management in Uganda and implications for control of peste des petits ruminants and Rift Valley fever. Poster presented at the Boosting Uganda's Investment in Livestock Development (BUILD) project annual planning meeting, Kampala, Uganda, 20–22 September 2022. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.