
Scientific Publication

The role of participatory plant breeding as exemplified by the release of the sweetpotato variety NASPOT 11 in Uganda in 2010.

Gibson, R.W.; Mpembe, I.; Mwanga, R.O.M. 2011. The role of participatory plant breeding as exemplified by the release of the sweetpotato variety NASPOT 11 in Uganda in 2010. In: Halford, N.; Semenov, M. (eds). Systems approaches to crop improvement. Wellesbourne (UK). Association of Applied Biologists. 71-76. Aspects of Applied Biology. ISSN 0265-1491. no. 107.
Scientific Publication

Incentives and disincentives for stakeholder involvement in participatory research (PR): lessons from potato-related PR from Bolivia, Ethiopia, Peru and Uganda

Ortiz, O.; Orrego, R.; Pradel, W.; Gildemacher, P.; Castillo, R.; Otiniano, R.; Gabriel, J.; Vallejos, J.; Torres, O.; Woldegiorgis, G.; Damene, B.; Kakuhenzire, R.; Kasahija, I.; Kahiu, I. 2011. Incentives and disincentives for stakeholder involvement in participatory research (PR): lessons from potato-related PR from Bolivia, Ethiopia, Peru and Uganda. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. (UK). ISSN 1473-5903. 9(4):522-536.