
Poster / Presentation

Gender research update in Ethiopia

Mulema, A.A. 2014. Gender research update in Ethiopia. Presented at the Livestock and Fish Gender Team Meeting, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, 15-16 September 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Poster / Presentation

Participatory prevalence estimation: A pilot survey in Kenya

Hannah, H., Grace, D., Randolph, T., Glanville, W. De and Fèvre, E. 2012. Participatory prevalence estimation: A pilot survey in Kenya. Presented at the 13th conference of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Maastricht, the Netherlands, 20-24 August 2012. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research: methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda
Scientific Publication

Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research: methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda

Sanginga, Pascal C.; Abenakyo, Annet; Kamugisha, Rick N.; Martin, Adrienne M.; Muzira, Robert N. 2007. Tracking outcomes of participatory policy learning and action research : Methodological issues and empirical evidence from participatory bylaw reforms in Uganda. In: Farmer First Revisited Conference (2007, Sussex, England). Papers presented. Future Agricultures Consortium; Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex, GB. 17 p.
Poster / Presentation

Women in fruit and vegetable value chain development

ILRI. 2011. Women in fruit and vegetable value chain development. Poster for the ‘Market-Oriented Smallholder Development: IPMS Experience-Sharing Workshop,’ Addis Ababa, 2-3 June 2011. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Poster / Presentation

Gender and agriculture in Tanzania

Baltenweck, I. 2014. Gender and agriculture in Tanzania. Presented at the Maziwa Zaidi and Steering Committee Workshop, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 8-10 October 2014. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Gender capacity development: Participants pack
Training Material

Gender capacity development: Participants pack

Mulema, A.A., Kinati, W., Lemma, M., Galie, A., Ouma, E., Baltenweck, I., Kangogo, D., Barasa, V., Rischkowsky, B., Benard, A.M.M., Godek, W., Tavenner, K., de Jeude, M.L. and Rijke, E. 2021. Gender capacity development: Participants pack. ILRI Manual 44. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers? A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania
Working Paper

Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers? A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania

Njuki, J., Waithanji, E., Sakwa, B., Kariuki, J., Mukewa, E. and Ngige, J. 2014. Can market-based approaches to technology development and dissemination benefit women smallholder farmers? A qualitative assessment of gender dynamics in the ownership, purchase, and use of irrigation pumps in Kenya and Tanzania. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01357. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI.
Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.
Poster / Presentation

Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.

Kassa, B.; Chimdo, A.; Schulte-Geldermann, E.; Ochieng, B. 2013. Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control. In: Nyongesa, M.; Wasilva, L.; Low, J.; Wanjohi, L.(Comps.) Transforming potato and sweetpotato value chains for food and nutrition security: Book of abstracts. 9. Triennial Congress of the African Potato Association. Naivasha (Kenya). 30 Jun - 9 Jul 2013. (Kenya). African Potato Association (APA); Makerere University; Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI); National Potato Council of Kenya (NPCK); International Potato Center (CIP). pp. 88-89.
Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.
Scientific Publication

Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control.

Kassa, B.; Elmer, G.; Ochieng, B. 2014. Participatory farm-level innovation in bacterial wilt control. In: Goffart, J.P.; Rolot, J.L.; Demeulemeester, K.; Goeminne, M. (eds.). EAPR Abstracts book. 19. Triennial Conference EAPR. Brussels (Belgium). 6-11 jul 2014. (Belgium). EAPR. p. 232.