
Magazine or Press item

Services mobiles : La panoplie portable

Walker, Kevin, 'Services mobiles : La panoplie portable', ICT Update, vol. 51, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2009
Scientific Publication

In-depth study on household production, nutrition and consumption in Beira, Mozambique

Okello, J.J.; Lagerkvist, C.J.; Kwikiriza, N.; Brouwer, R.; Naico, A.; Heck, S.; Prain, G. 2019. In-depth study on household production, nutrition and consumption in Beira, Mozambique. Lima (Peru). Scaling Up Sweet Potato for Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) ProjectInternational Potato Center (CIP). ISBN: 978-92-9060-521-8. 61 p
The application of decision analysis modelling for investment targeting

The application of decision analysis modelling for investment targeting

Luedeling, E., Shepherd, K., Leeuw, J. de and Downie, K. 2014. The application of decision analysis modelling for investment targeting. Report prepared by the Technical Consortium, a project of the CGIAR. Technical Report Series 1: Measuring Resilience in the Horn of Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Research protocol for integrating the socio-technical innovation bundling of CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative with the world vegetable center (Veggies for Planet and Peoples Project-V4P&P)

Research protocol for integrating the socio-technical innovation bundling of CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative with the world vegetable center (Veggies for Planet and Peoples Project-V4P&P)

Ketema, D.; Nchanji, E. (2024) Research protocol for integrating the socio-technical innovation bundling of CGIAR Gender Equality Initiative with the world vegetable center (Veggies for Planet and Peoples Project-V4P&P). [Report] Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya. Alliance of Bioversity International and International Centre of Tropical Agriculture. 24 p.
Africa RISING phase 2 monitoring and evaluation framework
Poster / Presentation

Africa RISING phase 2 monitoring and evaluation framework

Haile, B., Azzarri, C. and Shee, A. 2016. Africa RISING phase 2 monitoring and evaluation framework. Presented at the Africa RISING East and Southern Africa Phase II Planning Meeting, Lilongwe, Malawi, 5-8 October 2016. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI.
Scientific Publication

Evaluating impact

Educational Paper No. 35, DFID, London, UK, ISBN 1 86192 191 8, 262 pp