
Scientific Publication

Towards functional biosafety regulatory frameworks in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Malawi

Alhassan, Walter S et al., 'Towards functional biosafety regulatory frameworks in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and Malawi', In Harnessing the potential of biotechnology for food security and socioeconomic development in Africa, ed. J. M. Nzuma. Proceedings of the 1st all Africa congress on biotechnology. Pp. 437-445., African Biotechnology Stakeholders Forum (ABSF), Nairobi, Kenya, 2009
Scientific Publication

Chemical composition and in vitro fermentation characteristics of Acacia and other tree pods. In: Sustaining Livestock Challenging Dry Season Environments. Proceedings of Third Workshop on Livestock Production Programme Projects, Ingwe Lodge and ICRISAT, Matobo Zimbabwe

Mueller-Harvey, I.. et al., 'Chemical composition and in vitro fermentation characteristics of Acacia and other tree pods. In: Sustaining Livestock Challenging Dry Season Environments. Proceedings of Third Workshop on Livestock Production Programme Projects, Ingwe Lodge and ICRISAT, Matobo Zimbabwe', 2001
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 2001. FoodNet. Spore 96. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

What if the weather holds?

CTA. 2002. What if the weather holds?. Spore 98. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Working Paper

Mobile Landscape Analysis: Tanzania

Mibei, H., Karanja, L., Gakuo, S., Romney, D., Karanja, D. and Sones, K. (2017) Mobile Landscape Analysis: Tanzania. CABI Working Paper 10, 33pp
Scientific Publication

Conflicting risk attitudes

Amrei M. Lahno, Marta Serra-Garcia, Ben D’Exelle, Arjan Verschoor. (2015) Conflicting risk attitudes, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,Volume 118, p136-149
Scientific Publication

Retooling cotton growers for improved productivity in Mozambique

Musebe, R., Karanja, D., Caneiro, E., Flood, J., Desousa, H., Sualehe, F., Day, R., Kimani, M. and Agwanda, C. (2017) Retooling cotton growers for improved productivity in Mozambique: implications of integrated crop management practices. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 8(8), 93–101
Scientific Publication

Charcoal income as a means to a valuable end: Scope and limitations of income from rural charcoal production to alleviate acute multidimensional poverty

Vollmer, F., Zorilla-Miras, P., Baumert, S., Luz, A.Catarina, Woollen, E., Grundy, I., Artur, L., Ribeiro, N., Mahamane, M., Patenaude, G., Charcoal income as a means to a valuable end: Scope and limitations of income from rural charcoal production to alleviate acute multidimensional poverty, World Development Perspectives, vol.7-8, pp.43-60, 2017