
Scientific Publication

Field assessment of crusting on a tilled sandy clay loam

Mellis, D.A.; Bruneau, P.M.C.; Twomlow, S.J.; Morgan, R.P.C. Field assessment of crusting on a tilled sandy clay loam. Soil Use and Management (1996) 12 (2) 72-75. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-2743.1996.tb00962.x)
Seed Info No. 30

Seed Info No. 30

Zewdie Bishaw. (9/2/2006). Seed Info No. 30. Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)

Exploring adolescents' experiences and priorities in Ethiopia under covid-19

Jones, N., Gebeyehu, Y., Gezahegne, K., Iyasu, A., Tilahun, K., Workneh, F. and Yadete, W. (2020) ‘Listening to young people’s voices under covid-19. Exploring adolescents’ experiences and priorities in Ethiopia under covid-19.’ Policy brief. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence
Report / Case study

South Sudan: The Politics of Delay

Alex de Waal, Alan Boswell, David Deng, Rachel Ibreck, Matthew Benson and Jan Pospisil (2020) South Sudan: The Politics of Delay. Conflict Research Programme Policy Memo. Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
Dataset / Tabular

Replication Data for: 'Increased soil pH and dissolved organic matter after a decade of organic fertilizer application mitigates copper and zinc availability despite contamination': Jeux de données de : 'L'augmentation du pH et de la matière organique dissoute dans les sols après une décennie d'applications de fertilisants organiques réduit la disponibilité du cuivre et du zinc malgré la contamination'

Laurent, Céline; Bravin, Matthieu; Crouzet, Olivier; Pelosi, Céline; Tillard, Emmanuel; Lecomte, Philippe; Lamy, Isabelle, 2019, "Replication Data for: "Increased soil pH and dissolved organic matter after a decade of organic fertilizer application mitigates copper and zinc availability despite contamination"",, CIRAD Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:ZOOqcswWktaPEKQRfPIQAw== [fileUNF]
Magazine or Press item

Fuel-saving kiln for fish

CTA. 1990. Fuel-saving kiln for fish. Spore 28. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Cliquez sur ce sac!

CTA. 2002. Cliquez sur ce sac!. Spore, Spore 99. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Scientific Publication

Assessing the impact of aggregating disease stage data in model predictions

Castaño M, Ndeffo-Mbah M, Rock K, Palmer C, Knock E, Mwamba Miaka E, NDung’u J, Torr S, Verlé P, Spencer S, Galvani A, Bever C, Keeling M, Chitnis N (2020). Assessing the impact of aggregating disease stage data in model predictions of human African trypanosomiasis transmission and control activities in Bandundu province (DRC). PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 14(1):e0007976