
Analysis of milk-borne public health risks in milk markets in Kenya
Scientific Publication

Analysis of milk-borne public health risks in milk markets in Kenya

Omore, A.O.; Arimi, S.M.; Kang’ethe, E.K.; McDermott, J.J.; Staal, S. 2002. Analysis of milk-borne public health risks in milk markets in Kenya. Paper presented at the annual symposium of the Animal Production Society of Kenya, 9-10 May 2002, KARI-NAHRS, Naivasha, Kenya. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Maize as food, feed and fertiliser in intensifying crop-livestock systems in East and Southern Africa: an ex ante impact assessment of technology interventions to improve smallholder welfare

Maize as food, feed and fertiliser in intensifying crop-livestock systems in East and Southern Africa: an ex ante impact assessment of technology interventions to improve smallholder welfare

Thorne, P.J.; Thornton, P.K.; Kruska, R.L.; Reynolds, L.; Waddington, S.R.; Rutherford, A.S.; Odero, A.N. 2003. Maize as food, feed and fertiliser in intensifying crop-livestock systems in East and Southern Africa: an ex ante impact assessment of technology interventions to improve smallholder welfare. ILRI Impact Assessment Series 11. Nairobi (Kenya): ILRI
Scientific Publication

Can modern input use be promoted without subsidies?

Rashid, Shahidur et al., 'Can modern input use be promoted without subsidies?', Agricultural Economics 44(6): 595-611. Special Issue on Input Subsidy Programs (ISPs) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), 2013
Scientific Publication

Approaches to reinforce crop productivity under rain-fed conditions in sub-humid environments in Sub-Saharan Africa

Chikowo, R., Zingore, S., Nyamangara, J., Bekunda, M., Messina, J. & Snapp, S. (2015). Approaches to reinforce crop productivity under rain-fed conditions in sub-humid environments in Sub-Saharan Africa. In L. Rattan, S. Bal Ram, L.M. Dismas, K. David, O.H. David & E. Lars Olav, Sustainable intensification to advance food security and enhance climate resilience in Africa (235-253). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
Peste des petits ruminants post-vaccination seromonitoring in Uganda
Poster / Presentation

Peste des petits ruminants post-vaccination seromonitoring in Uganda

Sanyu, C., Mabirizi, A., Muhanguzi, D., Nkamwesiga, J., Lumu, P., Isingoma, E., Bahati, M., Kiara, H. and Roesel, K. 2022. Peste des petits ruminants post-vaccination seromonitoring in Uganda. Poster presented at the Boosting Uganda's Investment in Livestock Development (BUILD) project annual planning meeting, Kampala, Uganda, 20–22 September 2022. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Persistence of Rift Valley fever virus in East Africa
Poster / Presentation

Persistence of Rift Valley fever virus in East Africa

Gachohi, J., Hansen, F., Bett, B. and Kitala, P. 2012. Persistence of Rift Valley fever virus in East Africa. Presented at the 13th Conference of the International Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 20-24 August 2012. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.
Smallholder farmers’ legume technology adoption preferences and contributions to farmers’ performance: Evidences from N2Africa project
Poster / Presentation

Smallholder farmers’ legume technology adoption preferences and contributions to farmers’ performance: Evidences from N2Africa project

Getachew, D., Tegegne, Y., Kassa, W., Wolde-meskel, E., Amanu, T. and Baars, E. 2016. Smallholder farmers’ legume technology adoption preferences and contributions to farmers’ performance: Evidences from N2Africa project. Presented at the Workshop and Exhibition on Promoting Productivity and Market Access Technologies and Approaches to Improve Farm Income and Livelihoods in Ethiopia: Lessons from Action Research Projects, ILRI, Addis Ababa, 8-9 December 2016. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: GOAL Ethiopia.