
Scientific Publication

Global supply chains, poverty and the environment

Minten, Bart; Randrianarison, Laila; Swinnen, Johan, 'Global supply chains, poverty and the environment', In Global supply chains, standards and the poor: How the globalization of food systems and standards affects rural development and poverty, ed. Johan F.M. Swinnen. Pp. 147-158, CABI, 2007
Scientific Publication

Registration of ‘Serenut 6T’ Groundnut

Okello, D K and Deom, C M and Puppala, N and Monyo, E and Bravo-Ureta, B (2017) Registration of ‘Serenut 6T’ Groundnut. Journal of Plant Registrations. ISSN 1936-5209
Scientific Publication

Acceptability and feasibility of using non-specialist health workers to deliver mental health care

Mendenhall, E.; de Silva, M.J.; Hanlon, C.; Petersen, I.; Shidhaye, R.; Jordans, M.; Luitel, N.; Ssebunnya, J.; Fekadu, A.; Patel, V.; Tomlinson, M.; Lund, C. Acceptability and feasibility of using non-specialist health workers to deliver mental health care: Stakeholder perceptions from the PRIME district sites in Ethiopia, India, Nepal, South Africa, and Uganda. Social Science and Medicine (2014) 118: 33-42. (DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.07.057)