
Dataset / Tabular

Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013: Role and impact of clove on the income generation of farms in Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modeling by the Olympia software of a farm by type and per village 2013Titre en anglais (si original en français) | en français (si original en anglais)

Richard Annabelle, 2019, "Rôle et impact du girofle sur la formation du revenu des exploitations agricoles de Sainte Marie, Madagascar Modélisation par le logiciel olympe d’une exploitation par type et par village 2013",, CIRAD Dataverse, V3

Intestinal worms in goats

CTA. 2004. Intestinal worms in goats. Rural Radio Resource Pack 04/03. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.

For the poor or the poorest?

CTA. 2001. For the poor or the poorest?. Rural Radio Resource Pack 01/3. Wageningen, The Netherlands: CTA.
Larger grain borer
Training Material

Larger grain borer

Hodges, Rick. 1998. Larger grain borer. Technical Leaflet No. 1. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Magazine or Press item

Trickle across

CTA. 2003. Trickle across. Spore 103. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Dataset / Tabular

Ethiopia sheep fattening data

Wamatu, Jane; Ephrem, Nahom; Zeleke, Muluken; Abiso, Tesfaye; Alemayehu, Liulseged, 2021, "Ethiopia sheep fattening data",, MELDATA, V3
Report / Case study

Adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia

Jones, N., Presler-Marshall, E., Baird, S., Hicks, J., Emirie, G., Yadete, W., Alemayehu, Y., Bekele, B. and Kifle, E. (2019) Adolescent bodily integrity and freedom from violence in Ethiopia. A report on GAGE Ethiopia baseline findings. London: Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence