
Training Material

Urban development: Structured learning guide

Sturgess, P.; Acker, W.; Satterthwaite, D.; Wright, Y.; Carstensen, J.; Ryan-Collins, L.; Ratcliffe, S.; Young, S. Urban development: Structured learning guide. Evidence on Demand, UK (2014) 50 pp. (DOI: 10.12774/eod_spd.august2014.sturgesspackerw)
Mobilizing agro-biodiversity and social networks to cope with adverse effects of climate and social changes: experiences from Kitui, Kenya
Poster / Presentation

Mobilizing agro-biodiversity and social networks to cope with adverse effects of climate and social changes: experiences from Kitui, Kenya

Fujimura, R.; Morimoto, Y.; Maundu, P.; Inoue, M.; Eyzaguirre, P. -2012-Mobilizing agro-biodiversity and social networks to cope with adverse effects of climate and social changes: experiences from Kitui, Kenya -Poster presented at 13th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology. Montpellier (France), 20-25 May 2012 -Bioversity International-1 p.--
Scientific Publication

Anthropological perspectives on groundwater irrigation: ethnographic evidence from a village in Bist Doab, Punjab

Tiwary, Rakesh; Sabatier, J. L. 2009. Anthropological perspectives on groundwater irrigation: ethnographic evidence from a village in Bist Doab, Punjab. In Mukherji, Aditi; Villholth, K. G.; Sharma, Bharat R.; Wang, J. (Eds.) Groundwater governance in the Indo-Gangetic and Yellow River basins: realities and challenges. London, UK: CRC Press. pp.221-229. (IAH Selected Papers on Hydrogeology 15)
Refinement and Scaling of Inclusive Agroecological Innovations for Livestock Management, Crop Rotations, and Soil Conservation in Semi-arid South Mediterranean Regions
Poster / Presentation

Refinement and Scaling of Inclusive Agroecological Innovations for Livestock Management, Crop Rotations, and Soil Conservation in Semi-arid South Mediterranean Regions

Aymen Frija, Zied Idoudi, Mourad Rekik, Hatem Cheikh M'hamed, Bahri Haithem, Slaheddine Ghedhoui, Faouzi Harrouchi, Udo Rudiger. (16/9/2022). Refinement and Scaling of Inclusive Agroecological Innovations for Livestock Management, Crop Rotations, and Soil Conservation in Semi-arid South Mediterranean Regions. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA)