
Scientific Publication

Opening up Pandora’s box

Handa, Sudhanshu et al., 'Opening up Pandora’s box', World Development, vol. 37(6), pp. 1129-1142, Elsevier BV, 2009
Magazine or Press item

What do EPAS offer the BLNS?

CTA. 2003. What do EPAS offer the BLNS?. Agritrade, May 2003. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Scientific Publication

Youth and research: Experiences from Honduras and Colombia

Goedkoop, Jannie; Roa García, María Cecilia; Sanz Scovino, José Ignacio; Barahona, Justa Merida; Menéndez, Julia Lucía. 2004. Youth and research: Experiences from Honduras and Colombia. Leisa Magazine (Netherlands). 20(2):12-13.
Scientific Publication

Why do migrants remit?

de la Briere, Benedicte et al., 'Why do migrants remit?', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, DC, 1997
Scientific Publication

Rural population growth, agricultural change, and natural resource management in developing countries: a review of hypotheses and some evidence from Honduras

Pender, John L, 'Rural population growth, agricultural change, and natural resource management in developing countries: a review of hypotheses and some evidence from Honduras', In Nancy Birdsall, Allen Kelley, and Steven Sinding, eds. Population Matters: Demographic Change, Poverty and Economic Growth in Developing Countries. Chapter 12, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2001
Scientific Publication

Unweaving the threads

Zambrano, Patricia et al., 'Unweaving the threads', AgBioForum 15(2): 125-137, 2012
Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria): The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs.

Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria): The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs.

Triana Angel N, Ariza Aya M. 2019. Youth in livestock, the engine for change: strategic partnerships with a private company (CIAT/CCAFS-Alqueria):The beginnings, incentives, and objectives of the Herederos de Tradición (Heirs of Tradition) initiative carried out by Alquería’s farmer training programs. CCAFS Info Note. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS).

Climate-Smart Agriculture in Peru

Baca, M.; Nowak, A.; Lizarazo, M.; Imbach, P.; Halliday, A.; Zavariz-Romero, B.; Prasodjo, R.; Medellín, C.; Argote, K.; Cervantes de Blois, C.; Zamora, J.C.; Louman, B.; Jarvis, A.; Corner-Dolloff, C.; Bouroncle, C.; Edmeades, S.; Bucher, A. Climate-Smart Agriculture in Peru. World Bank, Washington DC, USA (2014) 12 pp. + 17 (Supplementary material) pp