
Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments

Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments

Borgomeo, Edoardo; Santos, N. 2019. Towards a new generation of policies and investments in agricultural water in the Arab region: fertile ground for innovation. Background paper prepared for the high level meeting on agricultural water policies and investments. Rome, Italy: FAO; Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 124p.
Scientific Publication

Costing alternative transfer modalities

Margolies, Amy; Hoddinott, John F, 'Costing alternative transfer modalities', Journal of Development Effectiveness, vol. 7(1), pp. 1-16, Informa UK Limited, 2015

Rural Development Report 2016

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 'Rural Development Report 2016', International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Rome, Italy, 2016
Scientific Publication

Impact of falling remittances amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s war-torn economy

Elsabbagh, Dalia; Kurdi, Sikandra; Wiebelt, Manfred, 'Impact of falling remittances amid COVID-19 on Yemen’s war-torn economy', In COVID-19 and global food security: Two years later, eds. John McDermott and Johan Swinnen. Part One: Food Security & Poverty, Chapter 7, Pp. 51-53, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2022
Scientific Publication

Rethinking the role of social protection in African food systems post-COVID-19

Benammour, Omar et al., 'Rethinking the role of social protection in African food systems post-COVID-19', In 2021 Annual Trends and Outlook Report: Building Resilient African Food Systems After COVID-19, eds. John M. Ulimwengu, Mark A. Constas, and Éliane Ubalijoro. Chapter 8, Pp. 112-127, AKADEMIYA2063; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Kigali, Rwanda; Washington, DC, 2021
Scientific Publication

Delivery of social protection programs to combat COVID-19 in Africa

Duchoslav, Jan; Hirvonen, Kalle, 'Delivery of social protection programs to combat COVID-19 in Africa', In 2021 Annual Trends and Outlook Report: Building Resilient African Food Systems After COVID-19, eds. John M. Ulimwengu, Mark A. Constas, and Éliane Ubalijoro. Chapter 7, Pp. 100-111, AKADEMIYA2063; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Kigali, Rwanda; Washington, DC, 2021
Book / Monograph

COVID-19 and global food security

McDermott, John; McDermott, John, 'COVID-19 and global food security', International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2020
Scientific Publication

COVID-19 lockdowns threaten Africa’s vital informal urban food trade

Resnick, Danielle, 'COVID-19 lockdowns threaten Africa’s vital informal urban food trade', In COVID-19 and global food security, eds. Johan Swinnen and John McDermott. Part Four: Food trade, Chapter 16, Pp. 73-74, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 2020