
Scientific Publication

Holding Back a Torrent of Rats

Normile, D. Holding Back a Torrent of Rats. Science (2010) 327 (5967) 806-807. (DOI: 10.1126/science.327.5967.806)
Scientific Publication

Wetlands and agriculture: a case for integrated water resource management in Sri Lanka

Atapattu, Sithara S.; De Silva, Sanjiv; Senaratna Sellamuttu, Sonali. 2010. Wetlands and agriculture: a case for integrated water resource management in Sri Lanka. In Evans, Alexandra; Jinapala, K. (Eds). Proceedings of the National Conference on Water, Food Security and Climate Change in Sri Lanka, BMICH, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 9-11 June 2009. Vol. 2. Water quality, environment and climate change. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). pp.7-21.
Scientific Publication

Reviving the Ganges water machine: why?

Amarasinghe, Upali Ananda; Muthuwatta, Lal; Surinaidu, L.; Anand, Sumit; Jain, S. K. 2015. Reviving the Ganges water machine: why? Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, 12:8727-8759. doi:
Scientific Publication

Illicit Financial Flows and Corruption in Asia

Sarah Lain, Haylea Campbell, Anton Moiseienko, Veerle Nouwens and Inês Sofia de Oliveira. (2017) Illicit Financial Flows and Corruption in Asia. Royal United Services Institute Occasional Paper. London: Royal United Services Institute Haylea Campbell, Inês Oliveira. (2017) Illicit Financial Flows and Corruption in Asia: Final Report. London: Royal United Services Institute