
How MEL supports the data management cycle

How MEL supports the data management cycle

Holly Holmes, Samuel Stacey, Jacqueline Muliro, Cristiano Rossignoli, Enrico Bonaiuti, Claudio Proietti, Megi Cullhaj, Sara Jani, Valerio Graziano. (30/12/2019). How MEL supports the data management cycle
Searching for a livelihood: the dilemma of small-boat fishermen in Eastern Indonesia
Scientific Publication

Searching for a livelihood: the dilemma of small-boat fishermen in Eastern Indonesia

Fox, J.J. et al. (2009). Searching for a livelihood: the dilemma of small-boat fishermen in Eastern Indonesia. p. 201-225. In: Resosudarmo, B.P. ; Jotzo, F. (eds.) Working with nature against poverty: development, resources and the environment in Eastern Indonesia. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore
Scientific Publication

Selecting the appropriate management strategy

Murray-Rust, H. 1988. Selecting the appropriate management strategy. In Asian Regional Symposium on the Modernization and Rehabilitation of Irrigation and Drainage Schemes held at the Development Academy of the Philippines, 13-15 February 1989: Vol. II - Discussions and special lectures. Wallingford, UK: Hydraulics Research Ltd. pp.81-98.
Scientific Publication

Le concept de PES pour une gestion durable des eaux et des sols: application au developpement de l'elevage et au controle environnemental dans le Nord Vietnam

Orange, Didier; Bardouin, L.; Nguyen, D. P.; Loiseau, J. B.; Clement, Floriane; Jouquet, Pascal. 2007. Le concept de PES pour une gestion durable des eaux et des sols: application au developpement de lelevage et au controle environnemental dans le Nord Vietnam. Gestion integree des eaux et des sols: ressources, amenagements et risques en milieux ruraux et urbains, Editions AUF et IRD, Hanoi, Actes des Premieres Journees Scientifiques Inter- Reseaux de l AUF, Hanoi, 6-9 novembre 2007; Paper presented at Conference, Integrated Management of Waters and Soils: resources, infrastructures and risks in rural and urban areas, Hanoi, Vietnam, 6-9 November 2007. 8p.
Scientific Publication

A vision for attaining food security

Misselhorn, A.; Aggarwal, Pramod; Ericksen, P.; Gregory, P.; Ingram, J.; Wiebe, K. 2012. A vision for attaining food security. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(1):7-17. doi: