
Seed Info No. 54

Seed Info No. 54

Zewdie Bishaw. (1/1/2018). Seed Info No. 54. Beirut, Lebanon: International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). URL:
Considering effects of temperature and photoperiod on growth and development of lablab purpureus (l.) Sweet in the search of short-season accessions for smallholder farming systems
Scientific Publication

Considering effects of temperature and photoperiod on growth and development of lablab purpureus (l.) Sweet in the search of short-season accessions for smallholder farming systems

Anne Sennhenn, Judith Odhiambo, Brigitte L. Maass, Anthony Whitbread. (31/7/2017). Considering effects of temperature and photoperiod on growth and development of lablab purpureus (l. ) Sweet in the search of short-season accessions for smallholder farming systems. Experimental Agriculture, 53 (3), pp. 375-395
Scientific Publication

AIDS, science and citizenship after apartheid

Robins, S. AIDS, science and citizenship after apartheid. In: Science and Citizens: Globalization and the challenge of Engagement. (2005) ISBN 9781842775516
Scientific Publication

The Politics of Land Reform in Southern Africa

Lahiff, E. The Politics of Land Reform in Southern Africa. Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK (2003) 61 pp. ISBN 1 85864 453 4 (Sustainable Livelihoods in Southern Africa Research Paper 19)
Report / Case study

Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report

Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Executive Summary, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017) Policy Brief No.1: Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding - Rwanda