
Scientific Publication

Farmers, food and climate change: ensuring community-based adaptation is mainstreamed into agricultural programmes

Wright, H.; Vermeulen, S.; Laganda, G.; Olupot, M.; Ampaire, E.; Jat, M.L. Farmers, food and climate change: ensuring community-based adaptation is mainstreamed into agricultural programmes. Climate and Development (2014) 6 (4) 318-328. (Special Issue: Community-based adaptation: Mainstreaming into national and local planning; DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2014.965654)
Scientific Publication

Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Treatment in a South African Program: A Cohort Study

Fairall, L. R.; Bachmann, M. O.; Louwagie, G. M. C.; van Vuuren, C.; Chikobvu, P.; Steyn, D.; Staniland, G. H.; Timmerman, V.; Msimanga, M.; Seebregts, C. J.; Boulle, A.; Nhiwatiwa, R.; Bateman, E. D.; Zwarenstein, M. F.; Chapman, R. D. Effectiveness of Antiretroviral Treatment in a South African Program: A Cohort Study. Archives of Internal Medicine (2008) 168 (1) 86-93
Food systems accelerator: agri-innovation report

Food systems accelerator: agri-innovation report

Dahl, Hauke; Njiru, A.; Sewe, L.; Dlamini, Jerry; Nortje, Karen; Nowak, A.; Giombini, V.; Ires, Idil; Peterson, N.; Birachi, E.; Dirwai, Tinashe; Mhlanga, B.; Alamu, E. 2023. Food systems accelerator: agri-innovation report. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Initiative on Diversification in East and Southern Africa. 156p.
Archivo de Noticias
Magazine or Press item

Archivo de Noticias

CIAT. 2010. Archivo de Noticias. Cali, Colombia: International Center for Tropical Agriculture.