
SAIRLA Ghana baseline report

SAIRLA Ghana baseline report

Grabowski, P., Fischer, G., Egyir, I., Kamoto, J., Kamphanje-Phiri, J., Kotu, B., Darkwah, A. and Zulu, L. 2016. SAIRLA Ghana baseline report. Ibadan, Nigeria: IITA.
Rivers of the Lower Guinean rainforest: biogeography and sustainable exploitation
Scientific Publication

Rivers of the Lower Guinean rainforest: biogeography and sustainable exploitation

Brummett, R.E.; Teugels, G.G. (2003). Rivers of the Lower Guinean rainforest: biogeography and sustainable exploitation. p. 149-172. In: Welcomme, R.L and T. Petr. (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Management of Large Rivers for Fisheries, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 11-14 February 2003
Management of the cassava mosaic disease pandemic in East Africa
Scientific Publication

Management of the cassava mosaic disease pandemic in East Africa

Legg, J., Whyte, J., Kapinga, R. & Teri, J. (2005). Management of the cassava mosaic disease pandemic in East Africa. In P. Anderson and F. Morales, Whiteflies and whitefly-borne viruses in the tropics: building a knowledge base for global action. Cali: CIAT, (p. 332-338).
Scientific Publication

Status of banana marketing in Uganda

Ngambeki, D., Bashaasha, B., Abele, S., Kalyebara, R. & Mpiira, S. (2003). Status of banana marketing in Uganda, In paper presented at the Workshop on Improved Banana Marketing and Utilization, Kampala, Uganda, 2-3 October
Scientific Publication

Shocks, sensitivity and resilience

Carter, Michael R et al., 'Shocks, sensitivity and resilience', International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., 2006