
Report / Case study

Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report

Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Country Report, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017): Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding In Post-Conflict Context: Evaluating Education Interventions in Rwanda. Rwanda Executive Summary, ESRC/DFID Research Report, University of Sussex, UK Ndabaga, E. et al (2017) Policy Brief No.1: Engaging Teachers in Peacebuilding - Rwanda
Magazine or Press item

Hitting the right tone [talking drums, Nigeria]

Adégbölá, Túndé, 'Hitting the right tone [talking drums, Nigeria]', ICT Update, vol. 40, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation, Wageningen, 2007
Magazine or Press item


CTA. 1998. AGRHYMET. Spore 78. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Magazine or Press item

Dryland farming in Africa

CTA. 1993. Dryland farming in Africa . Spore 47. CTA, Wageningen, The Netherlands.