
Scientific Publication

La formulation de la politique forestière de la République du Congo: Un processus dans l'entre-deux des logiques inclusive et exclusive

Boukoulou, H., Nguinguiri, J-C.. 2016. La formulation de la politique forestière de la République du Congo : Un processus dans l'entre-deux des logiques inclusive et exclusive. In G. Buttoud, J-C. Nguinguiri, (eds.). La gestion inclusive des forêts d'Afrique centrale: Passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs : 123-132. Libreville-Bogor: FAO and CIFOR.
Scientific Publication

Participatory assessment of risk factors for African swine fever in western Kenya

Okoth, E.; Gallardo, C.; Macharia, J.M.; Baboon, K.; Lekolol, I.; Mijele, D.; Bishop, R.P. 2009. Participatory assessment of risk factors for African swine fever in western Kenya. IN: ISVEE 12: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium of the International Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Durban, South Africa, Theme 2 - Investigation of determinants and distribution of disease: Determinants, Disease distribution & determinants. p. 483. Durban (South Africa): International Symposia for Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE).
Participatory evaluation of new disease resistant and andean landrace potatoes in Ethiopia.
Scientific Publication

Participatory evaluation of new disease resistant and andean landrace potatoes in Ethiopia.

Asfaw Amele, A.; Woldegorgis, G.; Schulz, S.; Bonierbale, M. 2014. Participatory evaluation of new disease resistant and andean landrace potatoes in Ethiopia. In: Goffart, J.P.; Rolot, J.L.; Demeulemeester, K.; Goeminne, M. (eds.). EAPR Abstracts book. 19. Triennial Conference EAPR. Brussels (Belgium). 6-11 jul 2014. (Belgium). EAPR. p. 182.
Scientific Publication

Participatory variety selection of pulses under farmer management in Kadoma district, Zimbabwe

Rusinamhodzi, L.; Delve, Robert J. 2007. Participatory variety selection of pulses under farmer management in Kadoma district, Zimbabwe [abstract] [online]. In: Bationo, André; Okeyo, Jeremiah M.; Waswa, Boaz S.; Mapfumo, Paul; Maina, Fredah; Kihara, Job (eds.). Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa: Exploring the scientific facts: Abstracts: Symposium [online]. Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF), Nairobi, KE. p. 170.